The Man of God has been appointed by God as a Prophet to the nation of Zimbabwe and beyond her borders. He received a great calling from God for global Ministry to go beyond the borders of Zimbabwe and Africa to reach the uttermost parts of the world.

The Man of God has received and continues to receive great revelations from God combined with the unusual ability to rightly divide and teach the word of God with such accuracy and precision worthy of an International Minister for the kingdom of God who is and will be noted among the Great Man of God in the world in this era.
After finishing his pastoral studies, Rev Makandiwa chose to go to Matabeleland and worked as an assistant pastor under the supervision of Rev. Madzivire, who is now the president of AFM. "I started ministry in Bulawayo in 2003. When I moved to Harare in 2006 it was Evangelist Chiweshe who welcomed me into the province he was heading in Chitungwiza. And he gave me an assembly to pastor. As my overseer I could see his effective leadership style as he led by example. He could call me any time to lay his hands on me or give guidance. I would not hesitate to say that of all the men I have come across in Zimbabwe, here was the only man I can boldly declare was full of wisdom and exhibited a high level of maturity." echoed Prophet Makandiwa, as he was expressing how he felt over the death of Evangelist P Chiweshe.
After ordination, he was given an assembly in Shangani, where he became the talk of the neighbourhood with his demonstrations of the power of God. In 2004, he was transferred to How Mine and subsequently to Hebron Assembly in Chitungwiza.
Prophet Makandiwa started his own Church, called United Family Interdenominational Ministries in August 2008. By then it was just more of a lunch hour fellowship and members would meet at the Anglican Cathedral, Cnr Sam Nujoma / Nelson Mandela. From the first day, the hall was filled to capacity (approximately 600 people) and by the following day the fellowship encountered an overflow as people swarmed from the Parliament side just to get a glimpse of proceedings. By the second day people would come as early as 1100hrs for a lunch fellowship which only started at 1300hrs. This phenomenon has stuck as a benchmark to date as people flock The City Sports Centre (current venue) as early as 0600hrs for the service which begins at 1000hrs.
Between 2009 and 2010, other vibrant Pastors within AFM also followed suit, and launched their own "fellowship" services, and this did not go down well with the supreme leadership of AFM, which is known and the AFM Apostolic Council. In early 2010, Makandiwa who was still a pastor by then, was suspended from Ministering at the AFM Hebron assembly (in Chitungwiza), after he failed to honour the Council's resolution that no pastor shall run or lead an interdenominational organisation. This must have been the time when the Prophet went to Ghana to have a meeting with His Spiritual Father, Prophet Victor Boateng, who inspired him and spiritually advised him on how to set up his own church. Upon his return from Ghana he began using the title "Prophet", since he was known as a Pastor during the time that he was with AFM.
There are also some who claim that his expulsion from the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) was a result of serious differences over the source of his "healing" powers, while other churches accuse him of "stealing their people". Always controversial, some men have gone so far as to accuse him of ruining their marriages by exposing their extra-marital affairs to their wives through his prophecies. His followers say these allegations are a result of jealousy. Some pastors and leaders of various churches have also questioned the origin of the power Prophet E Makandiwa uses to perform his miracles or prophecies, this was further worsened when the media competed in writing articles about Prophet Makandiwa soon after he launched his Spiritual Link Airtime Juice Cards in August 2011, a move that POTRAZ said could have violated the laws of the country.
In April 2011, Makandiwa led a National All Night Prayer at the National Sports Stadium, where he filled the 60,000 seater stadium with his followers from all parts of the nation. This was the forth time the National Sports Stadium had been full to capacity since 1980, (the first time was during the 1980 Independence celebrations, second time was in 2010 when Zimbabwe played soccer against Brazil and the third time was also in 2010 when ZAOGA hosted its 50 years jubilee celebrations).
The greater part of Makandiwa's close buddies are well respected and recognized men of God. Chief among them are Apostle T Vutabwashe, who is the founder and head of Heartfelt Ministries. Their companion has been existing for years, Apostle Vutabwashe would host an annual "Catch the fire Revival Crusade" even when he was still pastoring in AFM and Makandiwa would oftenly if not always be invited as the most dynamic guest speaker. His other close friends include Prophet Uebert Angel, who is the founder and head of Spirit Embassy International and Bishop Albert Chikuni, who is the founder of Family Life Ministries International.
Prophet Makandiwa's church, United Family Interdenominational Church (UFIC) meets on Sundays at the City Sports Centre in Harare from 10am to about 5pm. There is an evening service that runs on Tuesday at the same venue from 6pm to about 8pm. Another Evening service is conducted in Chitungwiza on Thursdays from 6pm to about 8pm. They have since secured their own stand in Chitungwiza, where plans to start constructing their 30,000 seater church are at an advanced stage. The church, however, now has branches in almost every city, and they are still planting new branches in other cities and towns of the country.