Homosexuality more than sin

On face value this may sound very simple and to some it may also sound like a human rights issue but upon deep analysis it is actually a matter of life and death, prosperity and poverty, blessing and curse.

President Mugabe has unequivocally denounced this evil act and has declared war on those practising and encouraging it including foreign envoys accredited to Harare. In biblical history, homosexuality led to the condemnation of Sodom and Gomorrah and these two cities were destroyed by fire never to exist again.
President Museveni
God could not stand seeing His creation defying Him and going contrary to the natural function of humankind. While sin is simply an act of breaking the laws or commandments of God, perversion is more than that because it is more of an act of challenging God and contradicting His statutes. It is a rebellion and these acts are synonymous with the devil. Rebellion is the reason the devil was disqualified from standing before God.

In allowing men to sleep or have sex with men and women also doing the same is actually saying, ‘God, your commandment at creation that men should marry women and have children is not correct and so we will do it our way.’ It is more like you are spitting in God’s face if you engage in homosexuality and lesbianism.

Information gathered reviews that the act of homosexuality is an integral part of the initiation process into Satanism and is a prerequisite for one to undertake before you join some secret organisations like the Free Masons.

Homosexuality and lesbianism are more of anti-Christ acts and for nations to embrace such evil under the disguise of human rights is not only disgusting but catastrophic. When a nation embraces homosexuality what it simply has done is engaging the anti-Christ mode and severing its relationship with God.

A good example is that of the nations which have accepted homosexuality as a human right, countries like USA and Britain. Their behaviour and arrogance actually betray a deep-seated ego which is devilish and convinces them that they rule the whole world. In other words they are the god of this world and if you search your scriptures well you will discover who the Bible describes as the god of this world, it’s the devil.

These nations pretend to love God and yet deep inside they hate Him to the core. Another good example concerning these two nations is their hostility towards those leaders and nations who have chosen to be moral. They ban homosexuality in these countries.

Zimbabwe of course, ably led by President Mugabe and recently Uganda led by President Yoweri Museveni are outstanding examples. Uganda has attracted the wrath of Western countries and promised aid has been withheld as a counter-measure to the enactment of the anti-gay law.

So if you want to enjoy ‘‘cordial’’ relations with the west as a leader and nation you must trade your moral values for aid and invitations to White House and London.

This sounds more like the example in the Bible where Jesus Christ was being tempted by the devil and the devil told Jesus that he (devil) would give him (Jesus) all the wealth in the world as long as Jesus would bow down and worship him. Jesus refused.

It is not a secret that President Mugabe inspired President Museveni of Uganda to take a tough stance against this inhuman act and as Zimbabweans we are a bit worried regarding our legal stance on the same issue.

While President Mugabe has done his part by consistently speaking against homosexuality, the country still lacks an unambiguous piece of legislation which clearly outlaws this act and lays down punitive sanctions against those involved in the same.

I wonder what could have happened if we did not have a leader like President Mugabe because even with him around there are some who wanted to deceitfully accommodate homosexuality in our new constitution and moreover our current legislation on this issue is very weak. It can be exploited by those still harbouring thoughts of a comeback.

Now for those involved in homosexuality and lesbianism, please be advised that this is not a human rights issue or a sexual preference case as others might put it, but rather an outright pervasion and a rebellious stance against Jehovah, God.

Turn back to God and be restored. I wonder what a man would want in another man or woman in another woman. What with all these beautiful ladies all over the place, especially Zimbabwean ladies?

Zimbabwe will never be a colony again! Zimbabwe will never accept homosexuality and lesbianism! Long live Zimbabwe!
Shame Isak
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