Prophet Uebert Angel steps down as Leader of Spirit Embassy

Zimbabwe’s celebrity preacher,Prophet Uebert Angel who is renowned for miracle money among other jaw dropping miracles has stepped down as the Leader of the Church he founded, Spirit Embassy.

In a statement on his official twitter account, Prophet Angel who says he is not ashamed to live a lavish lifestyle, disclosed that his wife Prophetess Beverly Angel will be taking over the reigns of the demanding job. He is now off for a five month prayer retreat.
Prophet Uebert Angel steps down as Leader of Spirit Embassy
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The Prophet has been conspicuous by his prolonged absence in Zimbabwe, he has not set foot in the country for over five months. Speculation is rife now that he may be avoiding something in Zimbabwe. A size-able chunk of his followers are now defecting to ever rising PHD Ministries led by Prophet Walter Magaya.
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