A Japanese woman got sweet revenge on her cheating boyfriend by giving his Apple collection a good bath. The unnamed woman dumped his iMac, iPhone, iPad and accessories in the bath tub.
Scorned Woman Dumps Lying Lover’s Entire Apple Collection In The Bath. |
She then took photos of the bath of revenge, and sent the pictures to him.
The unnamed cheater, tweeted the pictures to his account
@foolishnessfly2 and it was retweeted more than 17,000 times.
Which translates to: “Got caught having an affair, but all appliances bath botch flies to prevent not?”
The bath looks really smaller.
The apple products take a bath |
iMac get’s a wash |
If this was RW Editor Stacey’s BlackBerry’s I’m sure we would be reporting a death – but then again she doesn’t cheat. LOL. I jest. What are your thoughts? Post your comments below.