Jealous Small House Scalds Lover With Cooking Oil.

A Mvurwi man is battling for his life at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals after he was recently scalded with hot cooking oil on his privates by his small house for answering a suspicious phone call.

Austin Bhero (26) ,who is receiving treatment in the B4 ward, is suspected to have been scalded by his lover Emilia Ratera (29) before she disappeared from the scene.Austin was initially rushed to Mvurwi Hospital and later transferred to Parirenyatwa where he is receiving treatment.

In a bedside interview with H-metro,Austin disclosed that his niece phoned and the call was answered by Emilia and their conversation did not go well.

“My private parts were burnt while asleep since I was facing upward after watching television following an altercation over a phone call from my niece ,” said Austin.
Jealous Small House Scalds Lover With Cooking Oil.
“I want to thank one of our neighbours who rushed to help me and Emilia was hiding behind the house following our conversations and she disappeared after she heard that we were to lodge a complaint with the police against her.

“We discovered a pot with boiling cooking oil in the kitchen and realised that Emilia was behind this before she fled the scene.

“She never indicated that she had that intention after her anxiety to know about the caller and she boiled cooking oil after discovering I was asleep and scalded me.

“I woke up writhing in pain and I could not see anyone in the room and ran out half-naked shouting for help and one of the elderly women quickly arrived and asked where Emilia was.

‘Emilia was nowhere to be found and could not answer phone calls only to answer the following day saying she was in Guruve at Mudhidho village where her aunt lives.

Austin and Emilia during happy times

“We have been together for more than a year now although we were still to have a child,she later called apologising saying it was out of jealousy.

“Ndikurwadziwa wangu ndiri kubva kutogezwa nemanurse echikadzi.” “Maybe they want to test if my organ will erect aah yaas pakaipa wangu.”

Emilia wants to visit me but she fears arrest,”said Austin,sweating and writhing in pain.

Emilia ,believed to be hiding in Guruve could not be reached for comment.
Source: H-Metro
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