The private media, which anticipated “blood-letting” and brickbats at Zanu-PF’s 15th Annual National People’s Conference, is eating humble pie as the revolutionary party completed its yearly indaba flawlessly yesterday.
In the lead-up to Victoria Falls, headlines like “War veterans push Mugabe”, “Blood on the floor” and “Mnangagwa on the ropes” painted an intriguing picture of looming drama.
And in spite of top party officials clarifying that the conference was non-elective, there was a flurry to whip up emotions in pretty much the same way boxers are psyched up before a bout.
Prophets Of Doom Eat Humble Pie |
The conference kicked off on Friday, with party President and First Secretary President Mugabe outlining the framework for deliberations.
He spoke of the massive Zimbabwe-China economic deals, whipped factionalists into line and upped the ante on socio-economic transformation.
And on the second and last day, the conference themed, “Consolidating People’s Power Through Zim-Asset”, hammered out resolutions geared towards delivering decent standards of living.
In the end, it was a meeting of the minds which President Mugabe described as “one of the party’s most successful”, and rejuvenating to Zanu-PF.
“We have now reached the final stage of our meeting of the National People’s Conference. I have no doubt in my mind that this 15th National People’s Conference has been one of the most successful conferences we have had for a long time,” said the President, drawing wild cheers and ululation from delegates.
“This is so because of several factors. We came to this meeting with great expectations; vamwe vachifunga kuti ah kutyarwiwa uku; vamwe vachifunga kuti, ah, kune matsotsi akadjarwa; vamwe vachifunga kuti, ah, kuchava nevamwe vachazochinjwa ikoko. So, taiva neshungu, nezvitarisiro nepfungwa dzakasiyana siyana.”
He continued: “Asi tose, all of us, have been put together by the party in the same way, province by province, with the same message, all of us, that we were going to come to this conference having one theme in mind; to consolidate the people’s power through Zim-Asset, to consolidate the people’s power through Zim-Asset.
“Zvese zvimwe zvaive zvimwewo izvo. Zvimwe zvaive zviroto. Kumwe kwaive kuvhunduka, kutya, asi nhasi uno zviroto. Hapasisina kutya kwakapera. Tangova vanhu varikusekedzana, vanhu vari kufara.
“All of us have one mind now, and I hope all of us are of one heart also. All of us feel much more confident; I am truly a member of a strong party and you should be also a true member of the same party as myself. Ah, all of us are members of this party, smiling together, having one mind now to go and work hard for our party.”
President Mugabe added: “Yes, problems will always be there, challenges will always be there, the quarrels will always be there, kufungirana will always be there, but the truth, the truth, which measures our thoughts, our virtues of honesty and trust, our dedication, commitment to the struggle should come from the party, the party which we belong when we come to it, is it inspiring?
“We drink from the same urn, same pot, no one will poison, no one will butcher us and once again we find that harmony which we have had in the past coming back. The atmosphere, the rhythm, all adding to that harmony.
“The leadership together, smiling together and arresting the events together and, of course, the various groups that we put together committing themselves to the task of producing the resolution that we shall put together …
“We were all thinking, all working, all struggling to make this two-day conference, which is short, a two-day conference to come up with a conclusion that inspires us and sends us once again on a mission to fulfil the various resolutions that we will have digested.
“So, I want to begin by saying thank you, thank you all men and women, comrades for raising this comradeship high. You have done us proud; tinokutendai. That is the Zanu-PF way, always looking for progress. Hatidududze. Don’t move back; we always move forward. Forward ever backward never.
“So, as we leave, I have no doubt in my mind that this 15th National People’s Conference has been a very successful one, one of the most successful conferences we have ever had.”
President Mugabe said one of the major reasons the conference succeeded was good planning by the hosts – Matabeleand North.
He laughed off media claims that Zanu-PF was broke to host the conference, and commended the fundraising team – led by Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko – for its sterling work.
“Comrades, our people’s conference has managed to come up with various strategies to improve the quality of life for our people. And as such, this conference was well attended by diplomats. I understand 56 diplomats represented the diplomatic mission, and it has mesmerised the MDC.
“I’m sure you know they wrote in one of the papers that ‘Broke Zanu-PF is flying 300 people to Vic Falls’. They didn’t know our people had pockets with money. They are working and next year, you will see many more things will come. It is the MDC that has run out of ideas.”
On factionalism, the President said: “We go back with full commitment, full confidence and greater dedication, even to work for the party during the conference. As you remember, I vehemently denounced factionalism, tribalism, nepotism and corruption.”