Modern Day Christians Have Turned The Tables On Jesus

We are reliably informed in John 2:12-16 that Jesus was so angry with people who had turned the temple into a marketplace that He made a whip of cords and thrashed them out of the holy place.

The Holy Scriptures also reliably inform us that the Son of Man shouted in anger: “Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father’s house into a market.”

Modern-day people of the cloth (both men and women), however, are enjoying their long and last laugh as they have turned the tables on Jesus — successfully teaming up against Him with the crowds that call themselves Christians, wrenching the whip of cords from His hand before driving Him permanently out of the church. They have only retained His name for its invaluable commercial value.

If Jesus was initially turning in heaven because of the defilement of both His name and teachings, now He should be literally rolling (If He was an ordinary man we would have said turning in His grave, but we are reliably informed that He ascended in flesh).
Modern Day Christians Have Turned The Tables On Jesus
While the old timers Jesus drove out sold mundane things such as cattle, sheep and doves in the church, the modern-day people of the cloth have transformed the marketplace and are now selling state-of-the-art wares such as the so-called anointed oil, the so-called anointed water, the so-called anointed c.ondoms, the so-called anointed fruits and the anointed lies coated in the name of Jesus Himself whom, paradoxically, they drove out of the church long back.

Unlike the old timers who would go to any lengths to prepare their commodities for the market (such as feeding the cattle and sheep), the modern Christians simply order light goods for resale on a massive scale in church.

Contrary to what Jesus said about the difficulty of serving mammon and God and the equally difficult time a rich man faces in his attempt to enter heaven, the new timers have introduced the gospel of material wealth.

These men and women have literally shown the middle finger to Jesus’ analogy that the difficulty a camel faces in its attempt to pass through the eye of a needle is akin to the difficulty a rich person faces in the futile attempt to enter heaven.

They have falsely equated prosperity to salvation and, ironically, the crowds of Christians just love it, judging from the way they flock to these guys.

Having whipped Jesus out of the church, the men and women are now drunk with freedom. They can now preach the gospel of love without any sense of paranoia. It is not the love for a fellow being, but the love for money.

They can now go to the extent of producing miracle money in their churches and stage-managing instant miracles such as deflating hidden balloons in people’s clothes to fool the world that Jesus sent them to make their congregants slim and beautiful. For these people are aware that in the world today neither oil nor diamonds sell like Jesus’ name.

The name has become an asset with no risk at all, but with guaranteed returns and it serves as a perfect alibi for tax evasion. In the name of Jesus, they know one can easily become a billionaire as long as one makes sure that Jesus and his teachings are nowhere near their church.

While we are told that Jesus had twelve disciples whom he taught to spread the Word, these modern-day people of the cloth move around with menacing bodyguards who won’t hesitate to break your neck for merely taking a picture of their deeds. The bodyguards are also a symbol of their wealth, power and lavish lifestyles.

They have also perfected the art of conning people out of their hard-earned material properties through such foolish notions as “seeding” where they sweet-talk you to give them your valuables such as cars and houses on the strength of some stupid promise that by so doing, you will wake up one day owning more of such valuables.

F.ornication is one of the greatest benefits they are reaping from the act of banishing Jesus from the church. While the Son of Man taught that it was a sin to merely think lustfully of someone, the new timers literally act to the contrary to the extent of forcing themselves on hapless women.

If it weren’t for laws that punish people for such vices, I shudder to imagine what would happen in these “Jesus-less” churches. Sodom and Gomorrah would be child’s play. I have met several women who have confessed that the safest and most lucrative s.ex market today is the church. Several men have also told me that loose women are now operating in these churches and for variety I could join them. No moral values attached. Why worry, they told me, Jesus is no longer there, only His name remains which is more harmless than a dove.

Jesus was addressed as “Teacher”, but the people of the cloth under discussion feel they have gone a notch higher than Him. They are now prophets, prophetesses and spiritual fathers and mothers.

Forget the philosophy about no pupil being better than his teacher. While Jesus acknowledged that the spiritual buck stopped with the Creator in heaven, these pretenders hammer it into the crowds that the spiritual buck stops with them.

What irks the most discerning like me who won’t join them is their holier-than-thou attitude accompanying their hypocrisy.

It won’t surprise me if these hypocrites say this article was penned by the devil or his agent, for they hate exposure like the proverbial antelope that hates not the one who sees it, but the one who exposes its presence.
Source: Newsday
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