Former zanu-pf activist William Mutumanje, also known as Acie Lumumba, has been arrested, this time for allegedly forging a registration book for his mother’s vehicle, a Toyota Ipsum.
It is alleged that Mutumanje’s mother asked him to sell the car on her behalf and he allegedly manufactured a fake registration before taking the vehicle to a car sale.
His lawyer, Mr Arshiel Mugiya, yesterday confirmed that his client was arrested yesterday.
“Indeed, he has been arrested and as we speak he has been placed under arrest at the Vehicle Theft Squad (VTS). Details are still sketchy and I am yet to ascertain the charges he is facing,” he said.
Mr Mugiya said he suspected that a man (name supplied) from a local car sale could have forged the vehicle’s registration book.
Mutumanje was yesterday still detained and assisting with investigations. He is expected to appear in court facing forgery charges.
Lumumba arrested again |
It is alleged that the owner then implicated Mutumanje. Investigations carried out led to his arrest.
On Tuesday, Mutumanje, who is facing charges of undermining President Mugabe, was freed on $400 bail.
He used the “F” word to insult the President while addressing people during the launch of his political party called Viva Zimbabwe last week.