Stunner Fed-up With Olinda - Calls It Quits!

Rapper Desmond Stunner Chideme has called it quits with his wife Olinda barely 24 hours after reconciling. In the video, posted as live feed on Facebook by Olinda she was seen throwing Stunner’s clothes outside and threatening to burn everything.

“Don’t be on my video, whatever you are doing, zvese zvaurikuita, anything that I have bought lets burn everything,” Olinda is heard in the background of the video saying.

“Don’t touch me! He’s physically touching me! You will see bruises on me!” Screams Olinda as she wrestles with Stunner throwing clothes outside.

“Let’s take everything out, whatever you consider everything that I bought ngazvibude. Sekuru batai munhu wenyu. Waakutya kuenda pavideo when you were sending voice notes and all those other things and everything else, wanga uchiti uri kuitei, nhasi wozonyara kuenda pane vanhu?” fumes Olinda.

Their land lady Mandy is heard enquiring what is wrong again and Stunner is heard saying, “atanga futi.”

“Don’t say ndatanga, interjects Olinda.

“He’s got no respect, I was sitting on that table Mandy ndichitaura neDes zvakanaka bvunzai Voka! Des ndiye atanga kurasa muromo wake aripa table apo”.

Stunner then says: “Handina kurasa muromo, ndati handichada. I said handichada anymore, she’s suicidal you’ve all seen that. What do I do kune munhu ari suicidal? Who can be with someone like this?”

“I’m suicidal because of who?” questions Olinda.

“He can’t be with someone suicidal, who is making who suicidal? You are an idiot, I’m like this because of you. Handipenge ini mhani why am I like this? His cheating doesn’t affect me? Suitcase rauri kupacker nderangu, it’s my suitcase. Isai zvese apa I want to burn everything, whoever wants come and get. Mandy you know kuti I’ve been the one paying rent, as the land lady unozviziva kuti ndini ndanga ndichibhadhara mari yepano. All of this he’s doing,munhu wandai protector odai so?”

“A guy gets to a point where by you feel like you can’t face the world and you re suicidal and then he comes back and he tells you that he can’t be with you because you are suicidal yet you got me to this stage, yet your cheating and everything you’ve been doing from day one. Pokello achitexter pano wangu I heard urikuroora this weekend, I thought you said you were done?” I was quiet all this while, what kinda person does that? Munhu wekuti makaona muroad you should beat the sh*t out of him,” said Olinda.

Mandy is heard in the background pleading with her to talk about the issue calmly.

“Munhu anofanira kundikumbira ruregerero, even if it means us going separate ways, I want to leave this place in peace. He (Stunner) needs to beg me for forgiveness, kuti sorry hako zvapera but sorry hako,” she replied.

“You grabbed my phone and deleted mapictures aDion in my phone, who are you f**King protecting? You’re protecting yourself, you don’t care as a human being to another human being. Ndine vana that you’ve been around. I want you to take responsibility, this is all on you”.

Mandy and her mother kept on trying to calm Olinda and also wanted to pray but she said:

“Guys handidi kukunyeperai, right nw ka the devil lives in this house. Hamuna Mwari mumba umu, muna satan Desmond ndiye anogara mumba umu. Mai vangu vaigara vachindibvuza kuti mwanangu kurohwa kuri nani asi mashoko anobuda mukanwa memunhu ka, haadzokere. Ndoudzwa kunzi I cant be with someone suicidal but why am I here? Kusvika pastage yekuti semunhu unofunga kuti kufa kuri nani pane life yandiri kurarama pari pamusaka pemabasa ako iwewe. All I have ever done Mwari vadzike panapa I’ve done nothing, I’ve been good to you. Varume batai vakadzi zvakanaka, if anything chengetedzai vakadzi mudzimba umu. Kana usisade mwana wemuridzi kubvira musi wekutanga waenda kunohura, usati wabuda kunohura paunotofunga kuti waakanohura ziva kuti hauchamude better umuudze ubude uende.”

“These days are days of HIV and AIDS. All these women vanenge vachiita these crushes on him thinking he is still all this and that, this is what he is. No wonder why Pokello left, no wonder why Melissa left, I can even get worse into his first marriage what happened in there but I respect his daughter”.

“Handina chandinotaura naDesmond ini, urikudei? Everything you’re doing in this moment is not heartfelt, you are the same person who was deleting Dion’s pictures out of my phone,why? I don’t care if they compare my body with hers or not. I said let’s put your cheating aside lets deal with your career first. Anga achindiudza kuti nhasi manheru the only thing we can do is let’s get dressed and dolled up let’s go out to Pariah and everyone sees us what not, and now you’re telling me this? This is where we live, this is where we’ve been living all along,” said Olinda as she shows a video of their place.

“Ndipo pamba pangu parikuda kupinzwa Dion, making way for Dion. Ngaauye Dion wake, I don’t even know if she’s got 5 O levels kuti ane chikoro here, will she be able to maintain your life or ndiwe unenge uchitodyiwa? Actually ndiwe cause yesterday aipopota kuti you told her that you bought the phone, you lied to her. You pretend like you don’t care about what people say, I told you from yesterday kuti with everything taking place. Take care of me first and everything will fall into place. Take care of mukadzi wako, you chose me, you got me into this life. Wakanditora ndakazvigarira kuOxford uko kana vari kuEngland ask them kuti have they ever seen me kumabhawa. All I do is work, school run, and work school run work that’s it. Ndohupenyu hwangu kana kuti ndiri kumasowe or kuchurch or wherever. Nekufuta kwangu nekuita sei, i m sure ndikapa phone number, men who want to be with me, men who want to be in his shoes will call.”

” He’s always telling people that he is humble, he needs to be humble now. Uyu ka uyu ndi manager wake but ngaakuudzei chokwadi, Vokal ndanga ndisina kugara nemi patable? Akudaidza makuseni kuti huya kuno ndiyani? Ndikati let’s fix this problem, yes I went on Facebook live but how do we resolve this? If we are fixing the marriage how do we go about it? Ndiri munhu anetsika stereki ne respect, ndiri munhu akarairwa, hukaradhi kutsvuka chete but ndakarairwa nemusesuru inini. I have so much respect but murume wangu andirwadzisa kusvika pekupedzisira. Amai vake vaneta naye, she can’t even talk to him. My own mother tried to talk to him but zvakaramba, he told my mum kuti Olinda anofunga ndinomudira mari yake stereki,if I wanted money from any woman ndinodaidza Pokello, she can bring me $1 000 right now. What money does Pokello have?”

“I’m so angry because handisi kuziva mhosva yangu. Even the bible says mukadzi anorambirwa chihure, kana ndakaita chihure I need to know then pack and go. Mwana wangu, my eldest son wanted to beat him, anga akagumbuka to the point of beating Desmond up. Handisi kubuda muno mumba mangu, ndichabuda ndiri box, osara nemhosva yacho iye haunting him for the rest of his life. Onzi Stunner the wife killer or whatever, hant kuAmerica mahip-hop artiste anonzi akambopfurwa or whatever, so he can put that up on his label. This man is cruel and evil and what makes it worse is when I look at him I always feel like there is a shred of decency in him.”

Stunner has since dropped two songs over the weekend titled Letting you go, on which he teamed up with Nox and another one Vanoda kundirwisa, both songs believed to be about his fall out with Olinda.
Stunner Fed-up Of Olinda - Calls It Quits!
Source: H Metro
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