The word Consortium means an association or combination of businesses or financial institutions or investors for the purpose of engaging in a joint venture.
It is a similar arrangement amongst noncommercial institutions or organisations. In this case the Cameroon Anglophone civil society consortium is an association of willing civil society and trade unions in Anglophone Cameroon. The Consortium is made up strictly of trade union and civil society heads and representatives. We had:
- Agbo Balla Felix (Representing Fako Lawyers)
- Fontem Neba (Representing SYNES UB Chapter)
- Tassang Wilfred (Representing CATTU)
- Eyambe Elias Ebai (Representing MELA)
- Bobga Harmony (Formerly Representing NOWELA)
- Che Joseph “MAWUM” (Representing Bamenda Traders Union)
- And many others who prefer not to be mentioned
This general demands included release of all arrested and two state federation. So when The Consortium wanted schools to shut down Tassang is called to rally his teachers, when they needed SYNES UB Fontem is called to rally them, when they needed markets closed Mr “MAWUM” in Bamenda for example is called to rally his traders, When they needed taxi drivers they call their representative to rally their people and so on.
There are enforcement agents many of us have never even heard of, rotting in jail or in hide out somewhere but were vital to the functioning of the consortium. To list all here will be dangerous exposure. So don’t be misguided, the consortium leadership was what made it unique and flexible therefore you can’t say unless Balla or Fontem says something it is invalid. That may be true for their own trade unions but not for the general Consortium. The Consortium also approached senior citizens of southern Cameroons and gave them advisory roles, the likes of Prof James Abangma, Mola Njoh, Cardinal Tumi and even Aya Paul. Again some others prefer not to be mentioned.
So when the government started a crackdown on the leaders they had to make impromptu decisions most important of which was to appoint new interim leaders whose main function was to relay, or convey messages which the detained and fleeing leaders would have loved to share to the public concerning new directives etc. May be if there was time to consult they would have chosen other people but there was no time and the chairman Balla had to make the call. What better choice than these two great gentlemen Mark Bareta and Tapang Ivo Tanku? In fact I don’t think any other two would have performed as excellently as they have done so far.
So when the government started a crackdown on the leaders they had to make impromptu decisions most important of which was to appoint new interim leaders whose main function was to relay, or convey messages which the detained and fleeing leaders would have loved to share to the public concerning new directives etc. May be if there was time to consult they would have chosen other people but there was no time and the chairman Balla had to make the call. What better choice than these two great gentlemen Mark Bareta and Tapang Ivo Tanku? In fact I don’t think any other two would have performed as excellently as they have done so far.
Even though some elders argued that every member of the Consortium is leader of a trade union, which trade union do this two represent to “qualify” them as members of the consortium? But as events unfolded the other consortium members (who are infact leaders of their various trade unions) settled down and accepted the decision while a better structure was being build and new arrangements and plans put in place. Now they are set and after deliberations they decided that Tassang Wilfred of CATTTU and Eyambe Elias of MELA (Meme Lawyers) would henceforth steer the weel and their first priority is to free the arrested Chairman, Sectary and all others arrested. Plans are ongoing but you don’t expect them to put their plans on facebook do you?
Mark and Ivo were chosen for one simple reason; they have the resources and platforms to relay the directives of the Consortium. So yes they are very vital to the struggle. Tassang Wilfred has been on the ground, met the ministers and co and stood his ground. Note that his CATTU has been the reason for no schools without which the minister of culture had said let the lawyers strike all they want, when they get hungry they will go back to work. SYNES is well known for strikes but CATTU brought in the emergency fire. I don’t mean to underrate anyones sacrifice by this. You reading may have lost a family member, me writing may have forfeited a chance to ever return home under the current regime, others have had murder attempts on them etc. But what I write here is the reality on ground; Tassang’s stakes cannot be over emphasized.
Mark and Ivo were chosen for one simple reason; they have the resources and platforms to relay the directives of the Consortium. So yes they are very vital to the struggle. Tassang Wilfred has been on the ground, met the ministers and co and stood his ground. Note that his CATTU has been the reason for no schools without which the minister of culture had said let the lawyers strike all they want, when they get hungry they will go back to work. SYNES is well known for strikes but CATTU brought in the emergency fire. I don’t mean to underrate anyones sacrifice by this. You reading may have lost a family member, me writing may have forfeited a chance to ever return home under the current regime, others have had murder attempts on them etc. But what I write here is the reality on ground; Tassang’s stakes cannot be over emphasized.
When Balla and Fontem were arrested it’s just obvious that those who survive will continue the work and this is easy because of the collaborative (and not conventional) nature of the Consortium leadership. But despite any stake anyone thinks they may have please note that this struggle is way bigger than anyone man and no one, I repeat no one is indispensible, not Balla, not Mark, not Ivo, not Tassang, not even you or me. If anyone leaves and thinks the struggle will collapse then you have a shallow understanding of how far we have gone. I supported this struggle because God led my spirit in the direction and not because of how humanly feasible it seemed. Infact no one imagined it will turn out so successful and even if it were to end today (God forbid) we should know that we have won because things will never be the same again for Cameroon.
So what is the problem with the consortium now you may ask? Well my answer is this. THERE IS NO PROBLEM. Yes I’m sorry to disappoint detractors and haters but the Consortium has no problem. Her work is ongoing and we are moving forward. Ofcourse there has been some misunderstanding amongst our leaders. I personally think Tassangs approach in relieving Mark and Ivo was not the best. But I can’t underlook the fact that the duo has at some point overlooked Tassangs authority and probably overestimated their role as messengers. Yes everyone in the Consortium is a messenger and so I salute Tassang for maintaining them in the Consortium in the capacity of Communications and strategy. The truth is the various persons just need to talk and understand their roles better. Just because you are in possession of some tens of thousands of dollars related to the struggle doesn’t make you indispensible.
So what is the problem with the consortium now you may ask? Well my answer is this. THERE IS NO PROBLEM. Yes I’m sorry to disappoint detractors and haters but the Consortium has no problem. Her work is ongoing and we are moving forward. Ofcourse there has been some misunderstanding amongst our leaders. I personally think Tassangs approach in relieving Mark and Ivo was not the best. But I can’t underlook the fact that the duo has at some point overlooked Tassangs authority and probably overestimated their role as messengers. Yes everyone in the Consortium is a messenger and so I salute Tassang for maintaining them in the Consortium in the capacity of Communications and strategy. The truth is the various persons just need to talk and understand their roles better. Just because you are in possession of some tens of thousands of dollars related to the struggle doesn’t make you indispensible.
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We have sacrificed bigger things, our safety, our lives and so on, but the ultimate sacrifice I hope we do now is a sacrifice of change of disposition. Keep pride and ego aside, don’t say who is A or B, don’t wait for A or B to reach out, don’t lift your shoulders and play the big boy, and no one is a small boy if not they would not have delivered on this mighty assignment for this few weeks. For the sake of the people in jail, for the sake of those who have lost their lives, for the sake of those who believe in you we the people are ordering (Yes it’s an order from the biggest organ of the Consortium: THE PEOPLE) that our leaders resolve this petit quarrel fast and get back to work. There’s a lot to do. One thing I love this situations for is that the comeback is always more powerful and impactful. This is not the time to resign or swear over your dead body. This is not the time to play reverse psychology on the people and appeal to their pity just to seek false followership and sympathy. This is that moment when emotional, intellectual and mental fitness is exhibited to prove the people that we all are ready for this.
Many are worried about the authenticity of Tassangs video haha its funny, if you are close to him you will know he is a calm and sometimes shy person, start from the first video you will notice he has always needed direction from behind the camera and there is no evidence that he has been captured. Those are false ideologies by detractors. Not every detail of the struggle can be put up publicly please. Remember when we on social media once said the teachers should not attend any meeting with government? Tassang went ahead with his leaders and the result was a pool of ministers lowering their arrogant voices and begging us to end the strike but in his usual calm way he said No and stood his grounds. To those who say Tassang is not available do your researches. Do not panic people the battle is on course. Until there’s hard evidence that Tassang has been compromised we can’t be working on vain speculations. If the teachers chose him they trust him and so should we. Now to those hoping to make gain from this to sabotage the struggle I have news for you. This is what we are fighting for. A typical Anglo-Saxon culture and spirit. The ability to disagree to agree. The freedom to challenge, change and hold people accountable no matter how powerful they think they are. The idea that no one man has monopoly of decision making and that every voice should be heard even if not heeded to even the voice of thosewho don’t agree with us, so again it is a win. For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of Love and of power and soundmind or good judgemet. Let us pray for the wisdom of God almighty to come upon these leaders that they shall unite against the common enemy and that God shall grace our efforts with Victory.
As for those in jail please the Muna's are doing a great job so far and No Ivo you dare not say you pity them. Let's be mind full of ourselves people.
How dare you Oh seed of discord? Depart from the midst of the people in Jesus Name!
The Struggle continues ...
Many are worried about the authenticity of Tassangs video haha its funny, if you are close to him you will know he is a calm and sometimes shy person, start from the first video you will notice he has always needed direction from behind the camera and there is no evidence that he has been captured. Those are false ideologies by detractors. Not every detail of the struggle can be put up publicly please. Remember when we on social media once said the teachers should not attend any meeting with government? Tassang went ahead with his leaders and the result was a pool of ministers lowering their arrogant voices and begging us to end the strike but in his usual calm way he said No and stood his grounds. To those who say Tassang is not available do your researches. Do not panic people the battle is on course. Until there’s hard evidence that Tassang has been compromised we can’t be working on vain speculations. If the teachers chose him they trust him and so should we. Now to those hoping to make gain from this to sabotage the struggle I have news for you. This is what we are fighting for. A typical Anglo-Saxon culture and spirit. The ability to disagree to agree. The freedom to challenge, change and hold people accountable no matter how powerful they think they are. The idea that no one man has monopoly of decision making and that every voice should be heard even if not heeded to even the voice of thosewho don’t agree with us, so again it is a win. For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of Love and of power and soundmind or good judgemet. Let us pray for the wisdom of God almighty to come upon these leaders that they shall unite against the common enemy and that God shall grace our efforts with Victory.
As for those in jail please the Muna's are doing a great job so far and No Ivo you dare not say you pity them. Let's be mind full of ourselves people.
How dare you Oh seed of discord? Depart from the midst of the people in Jesus Name!
The Struggle continues ...