Breaking News - President Paul Biya's Master-plan In New York Uncovered At Last.

We have uncovered the master plan of Paul Biya and the media of La Republique du Cameroun concerning the protest that is planned in New York against dictator Paul Biya.

This is the plan:
Those who have been paid by La Republique to go and protest in support of President Biya, will be protesting calling for FEDERALISM. These are mostly the Francophones who speaks english, and some of whom have their residence in the south west and north west regions of Southern Cameroon.
Breaking News - President Paul Biya's Master-plan In New York Uncovered At Last.
This group of people will be calling for one and indivisible Cameroon.

As Ambazonians will be calling for the independence of Southern Cameroon, la republique's media will report that "Anglophones are divided" between independence and Federalism.

This is a perfect setup to deceive the International Community about the demands of Southern Cameroon. To show the International Community that Southern Cameroonians are divided.

Meanwhile President Paul Biya has been asked by his political advisers, not to make mention of anything concerning the Anglophone regions or protests when addressing the UN.

Our People in New York should be smart enough to brand the other side protesting as FRANCOPHONES Cameroun, working for the interest of francophones.
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