Uebert Angel: “You were wearing pink underwear and used a condom in the first round but in the second round you used nothing because there was no more condom to use.”
By Learnmore Zuze
In this article, I make a case for the point that contemporary Christianity, as espoused by the all popular ‘prophets’ movement,’ has, in essence, worked to disgrace the Gospel and has stained the sacred things of God. I make the assertion, with a recent example, that the Gospel has been stripped of its reverence and reduced to something akin to child-play.
Let me digress a bit, imagine for a moment, the esteemed Bible prophet Isaiah standing before a multitude of people during his time delivering some message. Picture Prophet Isaiah plunging into a personal tirade revealing the finer details of the sexual deeds of one young woman in the crowd; picking on very embarrassing and graphic details, from the underwear worn by the young woman on the day right up to the act of illicit unprotected sex committed.
Worse, conjure images of the crowds cheering the prophet for the intimate vulgar-laced utterances.
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Gospel Of Shame: Uebert Angel’s Underwear ‘Prophecy’ A New Low In Demeaning The Gospel |
A video has emerged in which Uebert Angel, a highly rated though controversial contemporary prophet and leader of a church, Spirit Embassy, is seen receiving rapturous applause for delivering a crude prophecy on a young woman.
Below this article is a video clip of the prophecy but just to bring the matter into perspective, the “prophecy” concerns fornication supposedly committed by the young woman and Angel goes top of the roof with it right in the presence children and the elderly live on broadcast.
Here are some of the excerpts of the ‘prophecy.’ During a service, Angel lays into the astounded young woman “You were wearing blue jeans and a pink underwear (on the day).” Applause follows and he goes on“…and you had sex on top of a brown sheet, a brown blanket like this…In fact, the condom you used in the first round was written blue something,” There follows a deafening applause to the ‘prophecy’ with one white aide cheering him loudly. The supposed clergy man shifts a gear up, “In the second round you used nothing because there was no more condom to use.” That was the sucker punch.
Now, a whole lot of irreverent things where to follow in the alleged ‘prophecy.’ The irony of it though is that to the congregants in question everything seemed well in place hence the ovation to the uncouth, disrespectful and offensive prophecy.
Now, many things have been said in condemning such actions by sectors in Christianity. The ambitious and popularity-drunk prophets of the new age have been criticized left, right and centre for such actions. I believe that a spade is a spade and it deserves to be called as such.
Of course, it is expected that Angel and his followers would have a lot to say in defence but honestly, this is very much the height of disrespect to the things of God today. The trickeries by Angel prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the supposed men of God are either outright mischievous people or simply consist of people who do not understand the Gospel which they claim to have special monopoly over.
Even more, it is apparent that the sheepish followers of these men need to be rescued into understanding the true God of heaven, in essence. The Gospel of God has been put to shame and none has stood to denounce these disturbing occurrences in Christendom.
To start with, the Bible clearly states in the book of Peter that no prophecy should be of any private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20). True prophecy is one given to the common good and to the benefit of the nations. It is delivered with all due respect as a message coming from One who is revered. It is not uncouth or foul-mouthed.
A near biblical example would be Jesus’ exchange with the woman at the well (John 4). The woman, to all intents and purposes, lived a sexually-demeaning life having lived with more than four men. At the time of speaking to Jesus she was actually staying with a man who was not her husband. Question: would Jesus have failed to provide the finer details of the sexual ventures of this ‘experienced’ woman had he wanted? What then stopped Jesus from going vulgar?
It is simple to understand; the God we serve is one of reverence, mercy and goodness. The Gospel has never been about shaming individuals before crowds for self-exaltation. There is sacredness of the things of God.
It would appear, in his quest for glory, the modern prophet, forgets that the Gospel is not some of merchandise. And, as aforementioned, the truth should be said unapologetically. There is nothing godly about such prophecies. Christianity has been put to the test and all those who stand for the God of Heaven should stand in defence of the true Gospel.
Feedback: lastawa77@gmail.com