Acie Lumumba's Facebook account has been closed down. Lumumba, real name, William Mutumanje, is former Zanu-PF activist turned opposition leader who has built up quite a following in the past few weeks after he made a series of Facebook Live videos in which he seemed to accurately predict political events before they occurred.
According to a website called Pindula, Lumumba was initially dismissed as a loudmouth who was seeking political relevancy until he made a video in which he "predicted" that president Robert Mugabe would not be in power in 48 hours time.Lumumba's Facebook Account Mysteriously Closed Down |
There is also the possibility that Lumumba's account was closed down by a third party as he may have been deemed to be a security liability as he was constantly revealing information before it was opportune.
Pindula tried to get in touch with Lumumba to establish why he had closed down his account and so far we have been unable to reach him as his phone is not being answered.
Curiously, before he was expelled from Zanu-PF, Lumumba was aligned to the G40 Faction which seems to have been the target of the military takeover, codenamed "Operation Restore Legacy."
Source - Pindula