The suspicions of a Chinese invasion of the African continent and a subsequent colonization is not far-fetched as there is an almost complete takeover of the economy of several African countries by the Asian giant through loans and infrastructural development.
It is obvious that Zambia is in the firm grips of the Chinese communist government than any other African country as they have been embroiled in a series of events that gave away their rights to their own country and their people.
Just last year, there was tension in the country after the police swore in new reserve officers who were Chinese and had rights to arrest. The eight officers were outdoored wearing the Zambian police uniforms. An outcry forced the police department to remove them from duty.
Three Events That Prove Zambia – or Chambia – is China’s First African Colony |
These suspicions sparked protests in the country against the seemingly Chinese invasion. It didn’t end there. Here are some subsequent events that convinced the public.
Source - Three Events That Prove Zambia – or Chambia – Is China’s First African Colony