Radio and television personality Misred, real name Samantha Mussa, has come under fire on social media following an interview that she did with a Ghanaian radio station, Y107.9 on the #ZimbabweLivesMatter movement.
In the interview, MisRed claimed that the situation is on the ground is not even that bad and that it is the few people on Twitter who are pushing the movement. She went on to say,
“There’s a very big disconnect between what’s going on the ground and what’s going on social media.”
When asked about President Mnangagwa’s response in which he threatened to flush out opponents, she claimed that the President was focusing his response on the rural demographic who do not have access to the internet and social media, and who are not part of the #ZimbabweLivesMatter.
This did not go down well with many Zimbabweans on social media who accused her of denialism. Many accused her of downplaying the abuses taking place in the country as well as downplaying the role and influence of social media. Some also advised that people should not give interviews on issues they are not well informed on.
However, some social media users also defended Misred’s assertions saying that she is only speaking from her own personal experience.