A Bulawayo woman got the shock of her life when she found her 14-year-old daughter pants down being intimate with her lover. The irate mother went berserk and attacked the pair.
The incident took place last week on Monday when the woman saw her daughter getting into a house in the North End suburb in Bulawayo.
Being the mother she is, she got curious and followed the daughter and found her lying on the bed naked. As if that was not enough B-Metro reports that the mother found the daughter’s boyfriend busy caressing her breast and private parts while her daughter was fondling the boy’s private parts.

The shocked mother then grabbed her daughter and bashed her mercilessly. The boyfriend tried to flee from the wrath of the woman, but some neighbors quickly apprehended him and handed him over to the fuming mother who gave him a thorough beating using a stick.
After meting out a thorough beating on her daughter’s lover, she then reported the teenage boy to the police for indecent assault.
The boy appeared before Bulawayo Magistrate Nomagugu Maphosa facing charges of indecent assault. He did not deny the charges and readily pleaded guilty while asking for forgiveness for his actions.
“Your Worship, I’m sorry for what I did. May you kindly forgive me,” he pleaded with the magistrate.
He was remanded out of custody to next week on Tuesday for sentencing.