Solomon Musaka, the spokesperson for the Musaka family has accused some producers of holding on to Saul ‘Soul Jah Love’ Musaka’s music.
His remarks follow reports that over 200 unreleased songs belonging to the late Zimdancehall chanter has gone missing. The music was stored in a memory card and laptop.
By Keith Mlauzi | Nehanda Showbiz
In a telephone interview Solomon Musaka said he suspects that some producers are holding on to the late icon’s music and has called out them out, to be honest and come forward.
“There are some producers who are holding on to his music, even one prominent one whom I can’t mention. He was in charge of his last productions, we also suspect that he is holding on to the music. All we want is for things to be done in a professional manner and in honesty.
By Keith Mlauzi | Nehanda Showbiz
In a telephone interview Solomon Musaka said he suspects that some producers are holding on to the late icon’s music and has called out them out, to be honest and come forward.
“There are some producers who are holding on to his music, even one prominent one whom I can’t mention. He was in charge of his last productions, we also suspect that he is holding on to the music. All we want is for things to be done in a professional manner and in honesty.
Producers Holding On To Soul Jah Love’s Music - 200 Unreleased Songs ‘Go Missing!’ |
“For those who are holding on to some of his projects we ask them to come forward and let us know what they have so that we can involve some professionals and find the best way to deal with the issues,” he said.
He also revealed that as a family they have tasked a family member who is in law enforcement to investigate and if they don’t come to common ground with those holding on to Sauro’s projects then they will have to involve the police.
“We have a family member who is in CID and he is investigating the matter but should we fail to get to the bottom of this, we will report the matter to the police,” he added.