I impregnated my wife 9 times in 10 years because of Mugabe: says Job Sikhala

MDC-T politician Job Sikhala has made astounding revelations he produced nine children in a single 10-year spell with his wife to race the effects of a 2003 State torture ordeal which targeted his reproductive organs.

The nightmare, so says the former St Mary's MP, rendered some of his colleagues he was tortured with, infertile. Sikhala, 42, his lawyer Gabriel Sumba and three others were arrested January 2003 for allegedly "training a Red Army" to topple President Mugabe.

While in custody, they went through torture ordeals which allegedly involved applying electric shock on their private parts. They were also accused of torching a Zimbabwe United Passenger Company (Zupco) in Chitungwiza. At the time, Sikhala only had one child.

But the former student leader revealed in a wide ranging interview that he had to quickly churn out offspring as it became apparent to him he may soon lose his fertility, as did happen with fellow torture victims.
I impregnated my wife 9 times in 10 years because of Mugabe: says Job Sikhala
"I am a family man. I am married with my beautiful five daughters and my handsome five sons. And you know it was forced by (President) Mugabe's torture. After l was tortured, l went to South Africa and Denmark for treatment and some of my colleagues who were tortured with me are not even able to produce children by now on the basis of that torture," Sikhala said.

"So when l was able to do that, l said 'no, Mugabe will kill me without any children'. By the time l was tortured, l only had one kid in 2003 and you can see that in 10 years, l raised for myself to have kids before Mugabe kills me..."

Sikhala continued: "I am telling you l was afraid because my colleagues are still suffering today; they have tried almost everything for them to be able to produce children...they were electrocuted, they cut the reproductive organs which they also did to me but fortunately l was young at that time. l was able to quickly respond to medication in Denmark and l was able to produce kids; so when l realised 'no l can now do it' l said let me do it in 10 years and finish it so that when Mugabe comes with his war of attrition, l would have left sons and daughters who would continue with the struggle which l started."

While the firebrand politician would not find friends among family planning campaigners, he is sure to find one in Registrar General Tobaiwa Mudede who last week urged Zimbabweans to ditch condoms and multiply.

In another exciting revelation, Sikhala said during the early years of his adulthood, he went through training to become a pastor but was then outdone by his "single" status as the theological college that offered the studies only awarded the qualification to married candidates. Written by New Zim
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