The Signs That She Is About To Leave You For Another Man

Before any relationship ends, the warning signs always appear but we just don’t see them. Before your partner breaks up with you, she sends out warning signs but these warning signs aren’t sent out on purpose. If your partner thinks the end is near, her actions would be affected and it’s good you know them so she doesn’t take you unawares when she dumps you.
The Signs That She Is About To Leave You For Another Man
Below are 5 signs she is about to leave you for another man:


Most times, women love to secure a new relationship before they leave and if she is about to dump you, she might probably be doing that at the moment. We all have friends from the opposite sex and there is actually nothing wrong with that but she suddenly starts hanging out with this particular guy almost every time she is free, chances are she’s losing interest in you and hoping to start a new relationship with this new guy. If you call or text her when she is with him and she ignores you, that could just be a huge sign.

If she is tired of the relationship and wants out, it becomes difficult for her to pick your calls or reply messages. I am not saying she should always reply on time or pick your calls always (she might be too busy to reply sometimes) but when it becomes a habit, then it’s obvious she wants out. She would be happy to pick your calls or reply your messages if she wants to be with you.


If she wants out, it becomes so difficult for her to concentrate on you when you are with her. It’s like her mind is always somewhere when she is with. When a man wants to be with a man, he becomes her focus of attention; everything he does seems interesting to her. If she wants her, you become too boring for her.


In the beginning, she always wanted to hang out with your family members and your friends too. The truth is when a woman sees a future with a man, she knows securing a place in the heart of his friends and family is important. If she suddenly stops you from seeing her parents and other important people in her life and she also avoids meeting your parents and other important people in your life, the sign is so clear…she wants out.

When a woman wants out, everything you do annoys her and you observe it becomes so easy for her to pick up fights. There isn’t any perfect relationship and we should also understand misunderstandings are normal in every healthy relationship but there are misunderstandings in relationships that signal the end. When the misunderstandings become frequent and the reason for the misunderstanding isn’t enough for her to act that way, she might just be looking for a way to get out of the relationship. She might be looking for a way to make you get pissed off so you end it first and take the blame for the collapse of the relationship, LOL.

Do you think your partner is showing any of these signs?
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