National Aids Council (Nac) condemns Bulawayo sex parties.

THE National Aids Council (Nac) has condemned sex parties that are becoming popular among some Bulawayo teenagers saying they fuel the spread of HIV and AIDS.

Bulawayo provincial Nac co-ordinator Sinatra Nyathi said they were engaging the police to nail the culprits behind the group sex orgies. She said the youths engage in “sexual marathons” at the parties and wondered where they get the energy to engage in such acts.

“Teenagers have a lot of house parties organised for them. During these parties, they’ve sexual intercourse races where they compete to see who would have slept with the most girls in a given time frame. I wonder where they get all this energy from. The most critical thing is that they don’t use any protection at all,” Nyathi said during a press briefing held at Nac’s Bulawayo provincial offices.
National Aids Council (Nac) condemns Bulawayo sex parties.
She said most of the parties are held in the city’s eastern suburbs.

Nyathi said they had since decided to engage the police to ensure that organisers of the parties are arrested.

She said child-headed families in which parents are outside the country host some of the house parties using money sent from outside the country for their upkeep.

She said Bulawayo has a high spousal separation rate which also contributed to the city being a HIV and AIDS hotspot.

“Some people have their spouses in the Diaspora and when they meet, they have unprotected sexual intercourse while they wouldn’t have checked for their current HIV/AIDS status after living separately for some time,” she said.

Nyathi also identified Emakhandeni suburb and Samuel Parirenyatwa Street as some of the city’s HIV hotspots saying sexual activities were rampant in the two areas.

“A lot of sexual movement is happening in Emakhandeni and Samuel Parirenyatwa Street. The sad part is that some teenagers have joined ‘sex work’ while they’re not even experienced which exposes them to HIV,” Nyathi said.

Nac spokesperson Tadiwa Pfupa urged the youth to join the fight against HIV and AIDS.

“There is no reason why you should rush to indulge in sexual activities.

“As the youth, l urge you to know your HIV status, concentrate on your studies and careers first before anything else. These are the only key things to a bright future,” Pfupa said.
Source: Chronicle
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