When The Bishop Met The President

They emerged from different backgrounds to take up equally different stations in life. But a single occasion got them to realise that they are not so different after all.

President Mugabe and Zaoga church founder Professor Ezekiel Guti met at Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University’s opening in Bindura last Friday.

Though their callings appear different, one could discern the connection between them and similarities in ideology.

President Mugabe is known globally for his spirited stand against imperialism that yielded Independence in 1980, and revolutionary policies tailored to empower the previously disadvantaged.

Prof Guti is built in the same mould, having refused to be viewed as inferior throughout his life.

In 1972, Prof Guti — then a much younger Christian graduate — clashed with a white American over supremacist thinking. He went on to advance the gospel of empowerment.

His wife, Dr Eunor Guti, related this story at Friday’s ceremony.

President Mugabe told the gathering later, “Hongu ndagara ndiine ruzivo rwakati kuti rwebasa ravanoita, asi nhoroondo yehupenyu hwavo ndanga ndisingaizivisise. Tsananguro yatapiwa nebiography yavo kuenda kuAmerica kunodzidza kuti vazoshanda basa raMwari nesimba.
When The Bishop Met The President
“Asi ikoko voita ndangariro yokuti zvandapedza chikoro changu, ko zvino ndinozorifambisa sei ndisina rubatsiro rwemari? Vati ivo kwakauya mumwewo murungu wekuAmerica achiti, ‘Enda, chidzoka wonoshanda uri pasi pangu.’ Pasi pake! Uchawana rubatsiro.

“Vanoti vakanamata husiku hwese, shoko raMwari rikati: ‘Kwete. Enda unozviitira kumusha kwako.’ Uende wakasungwa muhuro sembwa inonzi sa? Kwete.

“Saka Mwari akaramba ivo vakateererawo. Hezvo vakauya vakati aihwa, kuti ndiende kuvatorwa ndichinokumbira kumbira, vanhu vangu tavaunganidza chavanokwanisa kuita nenjere dzavo, nemaoko avo ndozvichapundutsa. Tinotenda nepfungwa iyoyo yekuti isu pachedu tizviitire basa redu.”

The President said empowerment principles transcended politics, economics, gender and religion, highlighting that his and Prof Guti’s mindsets were similar.

“Baba Guti, ini ndakaendawo kuchikoro ndakafunda maB. Ndanofundawo ikoko, chikuru chakanditambudza ndechekuti ndinoenda kumusha kunodzidzisa hongu; tinenge tiri pasi pevarungu. Vari varungu vapi? Vakapamba nyika yedu? Ko zvino, aah … ipapa tingazviite sei? Mwari angabatsire here ipapa?

“Ndikafunga kuti aah, aiwa, Mwari akatipawo maoko. Ivo vakambopamba nyika sei vachiseenzesa chisimba? Ndikati Mwari akatipawo maoko aya kuti tizvichengete nemaoko iwaya.

‘‘Tizvidzivirire nemaoko iwaya. Tizvinunure nemaoko iwaya. Sakawo kudivi ranguwo, inini handina kungoti chete Mwari tingorambe tichinamata, sezvamakaitawo kuti imi hamuna kurambawo muchinamata manzi mune maoko zviitirei basa renyu. Isuwo takanzi mune maoko zvinunurei. Saka pfungwa dzinosangana ipapo.”
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