An 18-year-old girl, Godiya Atunbi has been arrested and charged to court by the police in Argungu in Kebbi State for pouring boiling hot water on a boy over a misunderstanding between them.
The boy whose name was given as Umar Bashir was said to be lying critically ill at the emergency ward of the Argungu General Hospital where he was rushed to after the incident.
The father of the boy, Bashir Bawa, revealed that the fight broke out between the two over a minor argument.
18 Year Old Girl Arrested for Pouring Boiling Water On Boyfriend Over Misunderstanding |
He stated that Godiya got angry and first went to pick a broken bottle with which she attempted to stab Umar with but was stopped. “We thought it was over between them as people intervened. We didn’t know when she went again to get the water that was on the fire and poured it on him,” he said.