Cameroonian President Paul Biya Faces Activists In New York - Anglophone Crisis

In the US capital in favor of the UN General Assembly, the president may have to do to the Cameroonian secessionists.

A meeting between Anglophone activists in the United States (New York, Boston, Chicago, Maryland, etc.) was supposed to culminate in the creation of a gigantic group of protesters to make life difficult to the Cameroonian President Paul Biya who came to take part in the 72nd general assembly of the UN. But divergences have arisen. Two camps quickly formed: Secessionists and federalists.

Proponents of secession are predominantly from participants residing outside New York City. Their idea is to make a notable entry to New York aboard the buses and dressed in blue and white colors of what they call State of the Ambazonie. For a week, they wanted to camp in front of the UN headquarters, waving posters and chanting slogans to demand secession.
Cameroonian President Paul Biya Faces Activists In New York - Anglophone Crisis
The proponents of federalism are New York. They advocate respect for the national colors and refute any recourse to violence. More realistic, they say that it is impossible to organize a demonstration of seven days since they must answer present at their workstation. In addition, evokes, the laws and the police of New York do not tolerate any fault of behavior in the public places. What will happen then? Hard to say. Only the certainty of the decision of Queen Elizabeth II of England not to receive the secessionists, prompted much to revise their position. Several supporters of federalism were in the secessionists.

Long before, although not very audible, some Cameroonian anglophones residing in the USA did not hide their attachment to a united republic. According to them, the demands of the teachers and then the lawyers at the origin of this anglophone crisis were not intended to question the form of the state. They accuse "pseudo leaders of the diaspora without intellectual strategy, nor tactical capacity to initiate and wage war", to have trained the people to drift.

"This strategy of imposing and maintaining threats, intimidation and violence has rather impoverished, diminished and caused death" recently wrote a Mbayu who called for "the end of farce and disillusionment." According to a reliable source, Paul Biya will receive in audience one or more of those anglophones who remained faithful to the Republic. However, the Cameroonian head of state who will speak on the platform of the UN General Assembly on 22 September will not talk about the anglophone crisis.

A diplomatic source gives us the explanation: "The president is obliged to remain faithful to the theme of this 72nd General Assembly, and this theme is: Priority to the human being: peace and life descent for all on a planet preserved".

Source: Célestin Ngoa Balla
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