Cameroon - Anglophone Crisis - Behind The Scenes Of Philemon Yang's Mission

In addition to the full and rapid implementation of the constitutional decentralization, some populations are calling for a Foumban II conference to discuss the common future.

The appeasement mission instructed by the President of the Republic in the two English-speaking regions of Cameroon ended at the end of last week. In one week, senior officials from these regions have engaged in consultations with the population, economic operators, traders, trade unionists, opinion leaders, religious and traditional authorities ... with the declared goal of bringing peace and security. serenity. After the dialogue, the time is in the balance sheet. Here, then, in a few points, what the actors of the socio-political crisis that is brooding in the North-West and South-West think of this mission led by Prime Minister Philemon Yang.

The SDF in all its states
John Fru Ndi does not revolt against the mission of appeasement on which he fires red balls. The national president of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) accuses Prime Minister Philemon Yang of ignoring him. The 17th In October, while the head of the government led the dialogue in Bamenda, the capital of the North-West, no invitation was sent to Ntarikon, where John Fru Ndi has been living for years now. Some important personalities in the SDF had nevertheless made the trip to Bamenda to participate in this dialogue alongside their leader. But it will be a lost sentence. What the president of the main opposition party sees as a crime of lèse majesté.
Cameroon - Anglophone Crisis - Behind The Scenes Of Philemon Yang's Mission
"How can we organize a dialogue like this by failing to invite the key political leaders of the region? Asks John Fru Ndi to better criticize the mission that seeks peace in English-speaking areas. In the entourage of Philemon Yang, this omission crystallized the conversations when leaving Bamenda. Indiscretions suggest that John Fru Ndi's absence was not voluntary because it is simply the result of a lack of communication.

Traveling Radicals

"How can people who have helped to create this problem be sent to the English-speaking population? People who have not stopped saying that there is no Anglophone problem, people who multiply about xenophobia towards their English-speaking brothers? "Wonders the lawyer Nkongho Felix Agbor, the president of the Consortium, the illegal union that brings the claims of English lawyers and teachers since the beginning of this crisis. Nkongho Felix Agbor did not question the credibility of senior Anglophone leaders commissioned by Paul Biya in the North West and South West. He chose to sulk the organized fora in these two regions.

The president of the Consortium remains straight in his boots: he wants to make the people's cause heard beyond the borders of Cameroon to force the hand of power in Yaoundé to carry out "structural" reforms, the first of which is to put an end to the centralization of power. Nkongho Felix Agbor and his acolytes have their eyes riveted on England where the lawyer meets a group of British parliamentarians in recent days. He also took advantage of this trip to speak in some famous British media.

Secessionist discourse has hard skin

He is an English editorialist who gets out of his gongs to attack what he considers the dilettantism of President Paul Biya in the management of the Anglophone crisis. "The president is joking and his strategy proves that what happens in the English-speaking area is not very important," he scolds. Difficult not to make the connection between the appeasement mission ordered by the tenant of Etoudi, which does not reassure the population, and the wave of the inhabitants of the two regions who leave their villages to seek asylum in neighboring Nigeria. On 18 October, the English-language daily The Guardian Post estimated the number of Cameroonian exiles volunteering in Nigeria at nearly 5,000. The popular chronicle explains that these displaced populations say they flee a "programmed genocide", according to the formula of Akere Muna,

The press no longer hesitates today to estimate more than 40,000 the number of displaced persons.
Mission is a political calculation of Paul Biya
And if the mission conducted by Philemon Yang last week in the English-speaking regions was only for the purpose of appeasing the spirits for November 6, the anniversary of the accession of Paul Biya to the highest office? This argument is not out of the feverish imagination of one man. On the contrary, it is commonly used in English-speaking political circles. Those who defend this scenario do not understand why Paul Biya weakened the appeasement mission if he really wanted a frank dialogue with the people. How was this mission weakened? According to much of the English-speaking policies, the mission was not inclusive: Anglophone political leaders, the diaspora and some opinion leaders were excluded from the negotiations.

"The people chosen are insensitive to the problems of the population," you can read at our colleague The Guardian post. This English-language daily also reports on the remarks of Ghogumu Paul Mingo, the Prime Minister's civilian cabinet director, to further mock the fact that he is far from the concerns of the people. The latter says: "When I happen to go back to Bamenda, I am sad. People are poor and do not know what will happen to their children. It's traumatic.

Enough for many, to shout haro under the bod. Because, as the English-language newspaper reports, how has Ghogumu Paul Mingo failed to make the connection between the poverty of the population and the bankruptcy of the regime? Be that as it may, in Bamenda as in Buea, many are convinced that Paul Biya himself does not believe in this mission and that is why he chose to have it accompanied by elites who have lost all credibility. It would therefore be a subterfuge for the success of the festivities of November 6th. "This mission is a diversion," says a Guardian post reporter. 

More scuffles
The good offices mission led by Prime Minister Philemon Yang was expected in the field. On the web, we were treated to photos that showed populations opposed to the form of this peace dialogue proposed by President Paul Biya. It is especially in Lebialem, in the North West region, that mood movements have been most visible. These movements were even followed by acts of vandalism when people set fire to the home of Rdpc MP Bernard Foju.
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