Breaking News United Nations Sends Strong Warning To Paul Biya - Give Strong Rebuke To His Government For The First Time

The United Nations for the first time through her experts has issued one of its strongest statement against la Republique using the word “MUST” after La Republique failed to observe the 48 hours deadline. La Republique bribery could not work. I must commend the Francis led Geneva diplomatic team for this. More is in stock come December.

I must also state that “this is how powerful self defense acts on diplomacy. It provokes diplomats to think twice and to take stands harder than they had taken, and stop playing games. If we want freedom through diplomacy, we must intensify self defense”

The two must go. Self defense and targeted diplomacy must go hand in gloves. Read UN full statement below:

UN warns Cameroon very hard for the first time in world history:
Cameroon: human rights must be respected to end cycle of violence – UN experts

GENEVA (17 November 2017) – The Government of Cameroon must engage representatives of the Anglophone population in a meaningful political dialogue and halt renewed violence in the south-west and north-west, where the country’s English-speaking minority are reportedly suffering worsening human rights violations, a group of UN experts* has warned.

“We urge the Government to adopt all necessary measures consistent with Cameroon’s human rights obligations to end the cycle of violence,” the experts said in a joint statement.
Breaking News United Nations Sends Strong Warning To Paul Biya - Give Strong Rebuke To His Government For The First Time
Up to 17 people have reportedly been killed, and dozens wounded and arrested in demonstrations in the country’s Anglophone regions since 1 October.

The experts are disturbed by reports of a series of measures taken by the national authorities, including curfews, a ban on public meetings, and other restrictions aimed at preventing peaceful protests. Excessive use of force by the security services, injuries, mass arrests, arbitrary detentions, torture and other ill-treatment have also been reported.

UN Statement
Freedom of expression has been reportedly limited by the blocking of internet connections and of access to social media platforms such as Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook, which a UN expert has previously condemned.
“These restrictions must stop immediately, and the Government must ensure a thorough, impartial and independent investigation into all allegations of human rights violations perpetrated during and after the events of 1 October. The Government must take effective measures to prosecute and sanction all those responsible for such violations.”

The appeal for action comes nearly a year after UN experts publicly urged the Government to halt violence against the English-speaking minority, following reports that Anglophone protesters in Buea and Bamenda had suffered undue force.

The experts also denounced any use of violence against members of the security forces, after reports that several were killed last week.

Since December 2016, the experts have repeatedly raised concerns directly with the Government of Cameroon and continue to monitor and seek clarification of the alleged human rights violations in the north-west and south-west of the country. Bereta News
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