The whole world is witnessing what the Biya's regime has spent so much money buying public relations to present the regime as an "appeased democracy" while in fact is a dictatorship using "outrage"- a crime of lese-majesty reserved to Kings and Queens - to silence legitimate dissent in the country.
Suivre @camerbeIndeed, when you have nothing but a hammer, as the regime of Yaoundé does, everything else looks like a nail.
Nevertheless, as disturbing as this is, the CL2P has a good word for the regime's attitudes and behavior such as Nganang's arrest. That word is "crazy." In fact, either one believes that this unlawful arrest is directly reflective of a given problem or one is denying that that given problem exists at all. This is silly and manipulative. To suggest, as the regime's sycophants and pervert masochists did that Nganang's arrest is deserved for his supposedly arrogance in calling out the Biya's regime and its responsibility in the Anglophone's civil war is silly from brainwashed people who continue to think that the Anglophone's civil war is not related to grave human's rights violation. Hence, to suggest that ordinary Cameroonians face no problems in Cameroon at all is beyond the pale.
Hence, these forms of conscious blindness function like a Rorschach test: The way in which they are received is dictated entirely by each Cameroonian's ideological leanings.
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Breaking News Cameroon - Patrice Nganang - President Paul Biya's Rorschach Test |
The biggest problem for the Biya's regime is their misguided beliefs in national sovereignty. Cameroon is a member of the International criminal Tribunal of La Hague, therefore, has jurisdiction over sitting heads of state and ongoing conflicts. More, human rights organizations, such as the CL2P, understand how international human right norms are internalized and function within the international community. For a regime who cares so much about its "public image" and a president who cultivate the façade of an affable appeased democrats, arresting Nganang is definitely a wrong move that will have consequences and the Biya's regime will do well to looks at its own orthodoxies.
Contributor -Olivier Tchouaffe, PhD, Spokesman Of The CL2P