Can Paul Biya crush the rebellion in 10 months and go to the elections or will he be satisfied with the "healthy part" of the country for his "programmed victory"? The power back to the wall ..
Cameroon has passed in a year of corporatist claims to what is presented as the Anglophone crisis. Today we are facing an armed conflict presented as the war against secessionists called "Ambazonians" who claim nothing less than their separation from the rest of Cameroon. It is on this course strewn with detentions, displaced persons, exiles and deaths that the presidential election looms on the horizon, in about 10 months.War or peace? War and election? The septennat inaugurated in 2011 will end in about 10 months without it being possible to say exactly what has changed in the daily lives of Cameroonians. Leaving aside the nebula Boko Haram that the government with the help of the countries concerned has contained in its last entrenchments, this last year of the presidential term is illustrated by the rise of perils inside.
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Secessionists Threaten 2018 Election Deadlines |
We have the impression that people are organizing themselves into guerrillas to act. " reach out to all actors Whether the government should discuss with secessionists? The prelate replies: "I have observed that the populations are very receptive to the secessionists' speeches.
This seems to say that they believe that secessionists will provide solutions to the socio-economic problems that are theirs. As the situation is, we should not exclude them if ever the national dialogue is organized within this framework. In order to find a lasting solution to this crisis, the State should reach out to all its sons, all actors, for a way out of crisis that would relieve everyone. "
The other reason that could lead President Biya not to represent himself is that in 35 years of power, fruits have not kept the promise of flowers. In his speech of November 6, 1982, the day he took the oath, the head of state promised never to fail in his missions.
"I hear then with the help of all Cameroonians and all Cameroonians, and in my capacity as President of the Republic, head of government to fulfill this sacred duty imposed by the Constitution namely, to ensure his respect, as to the independence, the sovereignty, the security and the unity of the State, to assure the conduct of the affairs of the Republic, my illustrious predecessor has never failed in this duty, I do not it will fail there. Inside, "independence and national unity, peace, economic, social and cultural development through our choices of planned liberalism, self-centered development, social justice and control".
Bad luck or poor governance, since its advent, nothing has moved positive. Added to these are the armed conflicts that permanently drive away peace and prosperity. "But immediately to these failures and perils that could have been solved otherwise, the presidential rigidity inexorably directs us towards the fragmentation of the country," murmurs a senator.
Could Paul Biya not appear as many personalities inside and outside suggest? The 2018 presidential election is fast approaching. And, mobilization is noticeable in the Rdpc, in favor of the "statutory candidate" in the presidential election.
A thesis swept by the progressive wing, lurking in the shadow of the party that estimates that at 85 years in 2018 and after 36 in power, it is time for Paul Biya to pass the pennant.
And the secession was invited to the debate
A statement calling to the "non candidature of Paul Biya" was published in the social networks and deposited with diplomatic representations friendly of Cameroon.
In a counter notification given to Jean Nkuete, the secretary general of the Rdpc calls this call "a vast and gross enterprise of misinformation, intoxication and orchestrated manipulation to undermine the morale of our compatriots"
In the first communique "allegedly signed by members of the Political Bureau and the Central Committee as well as senior officials and officials of the General Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Rdpc ", Nkuete says" it is indeed a false document "
However, this is not the first time that there has been a clear hostility to Biya's candidacy.
While the president's term ends in 2011, the United States has taken a stand for free elections. Secretary of State at the time, Hillary Clinton had then demanded for the Cameroonian people
"the right to vote this year in a free, fair and credible presidential election," wish reinforced by a personal letter from President Barack Obama addressed to Paul Biya . This pressure hardened in June 2011 when Hillary Clinton refused to accept Paul Biya, forcing him to cancel a Western tour.
With a participation rate of 65.8%. Seven candidates, led by John Fru Ndi, announced, "do not recognize these results, denouncing massive fraud and a record abstention rate on
polling day . The United States, through its ambassador in Cameroon, reported a vote tainted with "irregularities at all levels". Biya Paul the winner had obtained 3,772,527 votes, or 77.9891%
. Things have dramatically changed today with this armed conflict between Cameroonians and Cameroonians presented as secessionists who were said to "hope for a constructive dialogue between Cameroonians to review the form of the state, or at least to establish a broad and effective decentralization.
Question: Can Biya crush the rebellion in 10 months and go to the elections or will he be satisfied with the "healthy part" of the country for his "planned victory"? There is no doubt about this with the big electoral maneuvers: creation of new medical sectors in Dschang, computers delivered in spare parts, Mery Ship This medical boat that Biya has come to treat free rare diseases ...
But today It is the whole social body that is sick. It would take hundreds of hospital ships to treat war wounded and others! Secessionists Threaten 2018 Election Deadlines