Dear Chairman Fru Ndi,
In the name of the People of the Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia, I greet you. I write to you because of your high sense of nationalism and patriotism.
For 56 years, the foreign and neighbouring country of the Republic of Cameroon has tried through fraud. violence, intimidation, cultural genocide and every may to transfer our allegiance from our country the Southern Cameroon to Its own. No one else can testify to this better than you. You would recall the very reasons that motivated the formation of the SDF In the first place. Now our people have risen like one titan to say their allegiance belongs to their own country, the Southern Cameroons, and not to a foreign country.
Our people have come to know that the United Nations General Assembly granted our country Independence which was due to take effect on 1st October 1961 but was suppressed: they now know that our country has never been part of the Republic of Cameroon through any known process or treaty under international law: that our parliament never debated and signed into law the federation of 1961: that it has all along been fraud. blindfolding and swindle. They have suffered nothing but violence, assimilation and torture in the futile and mistaken attempt by their forefathers to accept the imposition of a foreign power and nation on them.
On 22 September 2017 our people, from every nook and corner of our country came out in massive protests against the illegal occupation and colonization of their territory by the Republic of Cameroon. They not only called on all their Fons to stand with them, but equally called upon all the MPs who are supposed to represent them in the Republic of Cameroon's parliament to resign and join them in the struggle for the restoration of their suppressed independence. The protest was so overwhelming that no one can say today that he does not know what the people want. The people have said it loud and clear: they do not want to be ruled by the Republic of Cameroon any more. They have suffered enough oppression and violence over the years.
Those MPs and Senators who refuse to stand with the people and persist to stay in a parliament to which their people have irreversibly abandoned now serve only one purpose: to incite the Republic of Cameroon to commit a genocide against our people! The preparations for this genocide have begun: more troops and guns are being moved into our territory; they now describe us as dogs and rats which they will exterminate; hate speeches and lectures by their Ministers. TV stations and news.
We want to sound the alarm bells to you. Mr. Chairman and to all the Mps and Senators before it happens! By remaining in that parliament, you are giving the Republic of Cameroon the Illusion that it can still force its rule on our people and thereby encouraging it to use violence to impose that rule, Hear the voice of your people: it is over for good. Our people are a peaceful people; they are not armed; they have been relying on the law of nations to defend their case to own their destiny like every other people who have international boundaries, and to control their lives and their space of existence on earth. They come out to protest only with the peace plant.
Mr. Chairman, greater glory awaits you In your own country the Southern Cameroons than in a foreign country to which you have been repeatedly told you do not belong; a country that has told you plainly that you can win elections but you can never rule. There should be no further illusions where you belong.
I hereby, on behalf of the people of the Southern Cameroon, call upon you, the MPs and Senators not to wait until the genocide happens before you RESIGN. Remember the thousands who have already been killed; those who have been jailed, abducted, raped and tortured all for this genuine cause. We call and appeal to you to instruct all elected officials of the SDF party to resign NOW; the MPs and Senators no longer represent anyone in the Republic of Cameroon's parliament; no one will elect them anymore. They should not help the enemy kill their own people in vain. This is a testimony we are writing to history.
Our people have come to know that the United Nations General Assembly granted our country Independence which was due to take effect on 1st October 1961 but was suppressed: they now know that our country has never been part of the Republic of Cameroon through any known process or treaty under international law: that our parliament never debated and signed into law the federation of 1961: that it has all along been fraud. blindfolding and swindle. They have suffered nothing but violence, assimilation and torture in the futile and mistaken attempt by their forefathers to accept the imposition of a foreign power and nation on them.
On 22 September 2017 our people, from every nook and corner of our country came out in massive protests against the illegal occupation and colonization of their territory by the Republic of Cameroon. They not only called on all their Fons to stand with them, but equally called upon all the MPs who are supposed to represent them in the Republic of Cameroon's parliament to resign and join them in the struggle for the restoration of their suppressed independence. The protest was so overwhelming that no one can say today that he does not know what the people want. The people have said it loud and clear: they do not want to be ruled by the Republic of Cameroon any more. They have suffered enough oppression and violence over the years.
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Sisiku Ayuk Tabe's letter to Fru Ndi - You Have To Read This |
We want to sound the alarm bells to you. Mr. Chairman and to all the Mps and Senators before it happens! By remaining in that parliament, you are giving the Republic of Cameroon the Illusion that it can still force its rule on our people and thereby encouraging it to use violence to impose that rule, Hear the voice of your people: it is over for good. Our people are a peaceful people; they are not armed; they have been relying on the law of nations to defend their case to own their destiny like every other people who have international boundaries, and to control their lives and their space of existence on earth. They come out to protest only with the peace plant.
Mr. Chairman, greater glory awaits you In your own country the Southern Cameroons than in a foreign country to which you have been repeatedly told you do not belong; a country that has told you plainly that you can win elections but you can never rule. There should be no further illusions where you belong.
I hereby, on behalf of the people of the Southern Cameroon, call upon you, the MPs and Senators not to wait until the genocide happens before you RESIGN. Remember the thousands who have already been killed; those who have been jailed, abducted, raped and tortured all for this genuine cause. We call and appeal to you to instruct all elected officials of the SDF party to resign NOW; the MPs and Senators no longer represent anyone in the Republic of Cameroon's parliament; no one will elect them anymore. They should not help the enemy kill their own people in vain. This is a testimony we are writing to history.
I would also like remind you of the slogan that your party the SDF used before: ‘power to the people'. The people of Southern Cameroun have taken that power. Join them to make this a reality.