Everyone feels that Paul Biya is at the end of his reign and is giving his last fight either to stay in power or to stay alive, given his age, 85 years.
Two camps are competing here: that of his supporters who wish to anticipate the presidential election to renew his mandate. They fear that their candidate will be taken aback by nature and can not be able to beat campaign in October 2018, if the normal schedule is followed, because Paul Biya would then be 92 years old at the end of his seven-year term.For this reason, they would like a constitutional amendment to bring back the five-year renewable term once, so that their candidate can be in power at 90 and probably at 95 when he renews his last mandate. he is still alive. Nelson Mandela was not always alive at 94 years say they! This scenario has already guided the development of the 1996 constitution,
What gave peace to the regime until February 2008 when the ruse disemboweled, Biya proceeded to the lifting of constitutional lock to represent in 2011 by ensuring the possibility of a next principal in 2018. This is the The same scenario that underpins the calls of the ruling CPDM party's people for President Biya's candidacy is what might be called the President's hidden Agenda.
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Succession In Etoudi - The Last Fight Of Paul Biya |
That of opposition to President Paul Biya who is brutally repressed every time he wants to make known the reasons for his opposition. Opposition here is not only in the sense of the political parties but of all the people who do not agree with the policy of Paul Biya and who opposes it either within the political parties or outside of it.
For this camp it is not democratic to change the rules of the game during the match and the regime of Paul Biya demonstrates a repeated tendency to dictatorship that allows no peaceful democratic dialogue. On the one hand it favors the expression of the supporters of the organization of an early presidential election and on the other it brutalizes the opponents to this project.
Among them are those who ask the President to retire politically in view of his old age, although the constitution tailored to Paul Biya's measure did not foresee such a limitation, but there are also those who argue that a modification of the fundamental law and an organization of the early presidential election are contrary to the democratic rules because they participate in the ruse to remain in power for life and never allow the alternation of political power in Cameroon.
Among them are those who ask the President to retire politically in view of his old age, although the constitution tailored to Paul Biya's measure did not foresee such a limitation, but there are also those who argue that a modification of the fundamental law and an organization of the early presidential election are contrary to the democratic rules because they participate in the ruse to remain in power for life and never allow the alternation of political power in Cameroon.
The power of Paul Biya would therefore use here two of the techniques dear to Machiavelli, cunning and violence to maintain power: It is therefore an oppressive power and as Nelson Mandela says it is up to the oppressor to determine the choice of weapons during a conflict.
defense of taking the same weapons of violence against the oppressor.
There is a third camp that I did not want to mention because of the consequences of their position that benefits the regime in place. It is the camp of those who wait until nature is right of President Biya. To them I remind you that Biya had given them an appointment in 20 years for his funeral when the noise on his death in Switzerland had run the country and that he barely started half of the 20 years! No it would be a big mistake and a cowardly wait for President Biya to die in the hope that the regime will change!
This is not an individual but a group of very minority individuals who have established a system of fierce dictatorship based on the patronage-reward of zealous servants and the hostage-torture of civil servants and that it is necessary to cut down.
defense of taking the same weapons of violence against the oppressor.
There is a third camp that I did not want to mention because of the consequences of their position that benefits the regime in place. It is the camp of those who wait until nature is right of President Biya. To them I remind you that Biya had given them an appointment in 20 years for his funeral when the noise on his death in Switzerland had run the country and that he barely started half of the 20 years! No it would be a big mistake and a cowardly wait for President Biya to die in the hope that the regime will change!
This is not an individual but a group of very minority individuals who have established a system of fierce dictatorship based on the patronage-reward of zealous servants and the hostage-torture of civil servants and that it is necessary to cut down.
Among the supporters of this status quo are neutrals, so-called apolitical, including some journalists, some lawyers to name the corporations whose destiny or training is to get involved in the conflicts, there are also cowards , cowards that we find in all conflicts. Monsignor Desmond TUTU asserts that in a conflict "if you are neutral in a situation of injustice it is because you have chosen the side of the oppressor". That's why I class them as Paul Biya's oppressive power.
They are there on the web, on their keyboard or stashed in their house waiting for the end of the conflict to gloat with the winner whatever it is. They are therefore not interesting for our analysis since they inflate the ranks of the party in power.
Here is the scene of the protagonists of the political battle that is taking place at the end of the reign of Paul Biya's reign, which is fighting his last fight against his people.
The question arises whether it is the people who are fighting their last fight against Paul Biya or the other way around? There is no doubt that Paul Biya is fighting his last fight against life, given his advanced age and at the same time his people's continued existence in power. But it is also true that the people gave him his last fight for 33 years to overthrow him and change the system put in place for more than 56 years.
Political violence has the virtue of enabling those who exercise it to maintain power. And this is what Paul Biya has been doing for 33 years repressing any hint of protest in the blood, in mourning, in suffering and in misfortune. Paul Biya using indiscriminate and murderous violence killed and massacred the Cameroonian youth, fought and neutralized his courage until his last retrenchment. He reigns only because he has won the greatest fight a dictator can win against his people, the fight of submission and blind obedience to power.
It is the same weapon he inherited from the colonization of which he is the continuation; it is the weapon that the colonizer used to subdue the Africans: The chicotte and the rifle. Paul Biya is therefore an extension of the colonizer and the imperial powers whose interests he serves against the interests of the people. And he won against his people since he reigns for 33 years without sharing after having subjected his people to his will through corruption, fear, and misery,
What will he eat, what will the children eat, with what money will he care for them as the state sells everything and so on? Indeed, even the shabby salaries are part of the policy of subjugation of the people, of its misérabilisation, of its repression of humanity, of its bétification, of its formatting to obtain a single result: its docility as a lamb!
What will he eat, what will the children eat, with what money will he care for them as the state sells everything and so on? Indeed, even the shabby salaries are part of the policy of subjugation of the people, of its misérabilisation, of its repression of humanity, of its bétification, of its formatting to obtain a single result: its docility as a lamb!
The weapon of mass destruction of the peoples is finally the fear, it is necessary to establish the fear by the terror to reign as the colonists did it to dehumanize and to tame Africa and to rob it of their territory which they control still today under the cover of the Paul Biya, Sassou Nguesso, Issoufa and all the presidents of French West Africa who are as many pawns on the chessboard that grow Westerners.
Hence the importance of the struggle here against Paul Biya, a struggle that goes beyond the borders of the country and attacks not a man, even a lion, but a whole system of prevaricators of the public fortune. inside and outside Cameroon.
Hence the importance of the struggle here against Paul Biya, a struggle that goes beyond the borders of the country and attacks not a man, even a lion, but a whole system of prevaricators of the public fortune. inside and outside Cameroon.
The fight is this, will the next president of Cameroon be chosen freely by the Cameroonian people without intervention of the Western powers or will it be chosen and maintained by France and the Western powers as in the days of the famous adventurer French Bob Denard? The whole problem is here and I will tell you why.
This regime serves Western interests and not the interests of Cameroonians.
Some argue that it was to buy his place and remain in power for 33 years that Biya served Western interests. But others argue that he has had no choice and that if he tries to resist the Western powers he will be landed as Laurent Gbagbo or killed as Gaddafi or Thomas Sankara. To these I say that they are manipulators and indoctrables indecrottables? How dare they compare Pau Biya to Thomas Sankara or Muhamed Gaddafi? Has Paul Biya ever made a single gesture in favor of his country?
Is it the French who tell Paul Biya not to build his hospitals, his schools and his roads that are traps of death? Is it the French who prevent Paul Biya from creating schools to teach the Cameroonian lambda to recognize gold diamond, crude oil in short all the riches that abound our basement and that others come to exploit? Is it the whites that prevent it from creating favorable conditions for the youth to exploit the gold of Betaré Oya which is only spoken in the books of the primary school? This is in any case what supports those who think that biya is not there to serve the interests of Cameroonians and the examples are legion to attest to that.
Take the different roads of Cameroon on which we all die including those who support this regime as the late Madame Foning Françoise, apart from those who go by helicopter and they are not many nespas? Those who refuse to go out on the streets peacefully protest against this regime perish on the road like those who defend this regime or those who defend it.
This regime serves Western interests and not the interests of Cameroonians.
Some argue that it was to buy his place and remain in power for 33 years that Biya served Western interests. But others argue that he has had no choice and that if he tries to resist the Western powers he will be landed as Laurent Gbagbo or killed as Gaddafi or Thomas Sankara. To these I say that they are manipulators and indoctrables indecrottables? How dare they compare Pau Biya to Thomas Sankara or Muhamed Gaddafi? Has Paul Biya ever made a single gesture in favor of his country?
Is it the French who tell Paul Biya not to build his hospitals, his schools and his roads that are traps of death? Is it the French who prevent Paul Biya from creating schools to teach the Cameroonian lambda to recognize gold diamond, crude oil in short all the riches that abound our basement and that others come to exploit? Is it the whites that prevent it from creating favorable conditions for the youth to exploit the gold of Betaré Oya which is only spoken in the books of the primary school? This is in any case what supports those who think that biya is not there to serve the interests of Cameroonians and the examples are legion to attest to that.
Take the different roads of Cameroon on which we all die including those who support this regime as the late Madame Foning Françoise, apart from those who go by helicopter and they are not many nespas? Those who refuse to go out on the streets peacefully protest against this regime perish on the road like those who defend this regime or those who defend it.
What is the value of this useless death when death to claim an improvement of the road construction would have been more useful? How many deaths have we already recorded on our roads? 100mille, 5millions? How many ?
Who keeps the accounts? Who keeps the statistics and why does he not want to make them public? Is that because it obeys a deliberate policy of decreasing the African population as people suspect it? Otherwise why are we paying the toll and our roads are so degraded and are so many traps of death? You roll quietly and suddenly opens before you an elephant nest that engulfs all your family, women and children! And the next day life goes on as if nothing had happened until the next fatal accident. These accidents are all crimes disguised as accidents, they are crimes of Paul Biya because we have fulfilled our part of the contract by paying the toll but diverted the money for other purposes to buy cars 4X4 land cruiser brand new to his device domestication and repression of the people the governors, the prefects and the sub-prefects have just received new cars tell me then that the deputies and Senators are still waiting for their nespa? And the people languish in misery with hospitals that lack the minimum, even incubators for premature babies there is not!
Let's take the case of our hospitals to illustrate that everything is paid for in this mercantile and commercial regime. It's a diet sells everything he did not buy! The examples that have raised the regime's sexual cache to show its dirty, torn, and nauseating underpants are undoubtedly those of Dr. Helene Ngo Nkana who came to give birth at the General Hospital of Douala and who died there owing to lack of care by what the hospital required a large sum of money in cash) and in advance to take over, at a late hour of the night, a weekend inaccessible to the bank account, while it belonged to the medical profession.
Who keeps the accounts? Who keeps the statistics and why does he not want to make them public? Is that because it obeys a deliberate policy of decreasing the African population as people suspect it? Otherwise why are we paying the toll and our roads are so degraded and are so many traps of death? You roll quietly and suddenly opens before you an elephant nest that engulfs all your family, women and children! And the next day life goes on as if nothing had happened until the next fatal accident. These accidents are all crimes disguised as accidents, they are crimes of Paul Biya because we have fulfilled our part of the contract by paying the toll but diverted the money for other purposes to buy cars 4X4 land cruiser brand new to his device domestication and repression of the people the governors, the prefects and the sub-prefects have just received new cars tell me then that the deputies and Senators are still waiting for their nespa? And the people languish in misery with hospitals that lack the minimum, even incubators for premature babies there is not!
Let's take the case of our hospitals to illustrate that everything is paid for in this mercantile and commercial regime. It's a diet sells everything he did not buy! The examples that have raised the regime's sexual cache to show its dirty, torn, and nauseating underpants are undoubtedly those of Dr. Helene Ngo Nkana who came to give birth at the General Hospital of Douala and who died there owing to lack of care by what the hospital required a large sum of money in cash) and in advance to take over, at a late hour of the night, a weekend inaccessible to the bank account, while it belonged to the medical profession.
The second scandalous case that has hit the headlines and continues to make headlines despite government injunctions to journalists to hide this crime in the total silence conducive to scavengers who goinfrent is undoubtedly that of Monique Koumatekel whose death in the enclosure Laquinitinie hospital or outside the said hospital has shown a state crime modestly qualified dysfunction. This pregnant lady driven by her family in the trunk of a taxi, dixit the Minister of Health, arrived at the Hospital Laquinitinie and lack of hospital agent to accommodate it would be dead or would have arrived already dead . is undoubtedly that of Monique Koumatekel whose death in the enclosure of the Laquinitinie hospital or outside said hospital has shown a crime of state modestly qualified malfunction.
This pregnant lady driven by her family in the trunk of a taxi, dixit the Minister of Health, arrived at the Hospital Laquinitinie and lack of hospital agent to accommodate it would be dead or would have arrived already dead . is undoubtedly that of Monique Koumatekel whose death in the enclosure of the Laquinitinie hospital or outside said hospital has shown a crime of state modestly qualified malfunction. This pregnant lady driven by her family in the trunk of a taxi, dixit the Minister of Health, arrived at the Hospital Laquinitinie and lack of hospital agent to accommodate it would be dead or would have arrived already dead .
Still, without anyone guiding the family and while the body was going to be put in the morgue, it seems that the children she was pregnant with were moving in her belly and punching in the belly. So for lack of doctors or care, the sister of Monique Koumatekel practiced on the corpse a caesarean section with said the razor blade to remove the twin children in the hope of saving them. She was subsequently arrested and taken to prison.
Still, without anyone guiding the family and while the body was going to be put in the morgue, it seems that the children she was pregnant with were moving in her belly and punching in the belly. So for lack of doctors or care, the sister of Monique Koumatekel practiced on the corpse a caesarean section with said the razor blade to remove the twin children in the hope of saving them. She was subsequently arrested and taken to prison.
The Minister of Public Health judged her guilty of mutilating a dead body. The crowds who came to lament the intolerable and unbearable pain of the family and share their mourning were scattered by the police with tear gas bombs.
Did France tell Paul Biya not to provide hospitals in Cameroon with incubators? By not providing them with incubators, by not recruiting enough health personnel and by letting these women die with their children, Mr. Paul Biya is the only person responsible for their crimes. There is no need to accuse the minister or the directors of hospitals, while the responsibility lies with the hierarchical superior who is Paul Biya because of the strong presidentialism he built as a mode of government. Paul Biya is the only institution in Cameroon, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Supreme Court, in short the three traditional powers of democracy are only appearances, their respective intrinsic powers have all been confiscated for the sole benefit of one. and unique power, the power of the President of the Republic.
But the biggest crime of Paul Biya is his brutal method to make the Cameroonian people docile: he kills him! Yes, remember that this diet is alive with blood, our blood and bathes in our blood from the beginning. At the beginning of this regime there is death, by a hundred, the death of those who have attempted to his power, the death of the putschist soldiers of the JOSE movement of April 6, 1984 and their families.
Did France tell Paul Biya not to provide hospitals in Cameroon with incubators? By not providing them with incubators, by not recruiting enough health personnel and by letting these women die with their children, Mr. Paul Biya is the only person responsible for their crimes. There is no need to accuse the minister or the directors of hospitals, while the responsibility lies with the hierarchical superior who is Paul Biya because of the strong presidentialism he built as a mode of government. Paul Biya is the only institution in Cameroon, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Supreme Court, in short the three traditional powers of democracy are only appearances, their respective intrinsic powers have all been confiscated for the sole benefit of one. and unique power, the power of the President of the Republic.
But the biggest crime of Paul Biya is his brutal method to make the Cameroonian people docile: he kills him! Yes, remember that this diet is alive with blood, our blood and bathes in our blood from the beginning. At the beginning of this regime there is death, by a hundred, the death of those who have attempted to his power, the death of the putschist soldiers of the JOSE movement of April 6, 1984 and their families.
Survivors are alive and testify bodies buried in Mbalmayo under a ton of cement in mass graves. Then there is the operational command killed in northern Cameroon and in the coast. Many parents are still mourning their missing children as the nine missing Bépanda?
Others died cursing Paul Biya and his diet. We are talking about a thousand Cameroonians killed by the operational command commanded by forty one known and identified officers. Did they serve the nation or did they serve Paul Biya and the francafrique? There are the deaths of February 2008 during the riots of hunger, Pau Biya took out the tanks and the army to hunt and kill the children and youth of this country.
Others died cursing Paul Biya and his diet. We are talking about a thousand Cameroonians killed by the operational command commanded by forty one known and identified officers. Did they serve the nation or did they serve Paul Biya and the francafrique? There are the deaths of February 2008 during the riots of hunger, Pau Biya took out the tanks and the army to hunt and kill the children and youth of this country.
Now the officials of this regime say to anyone who wants to hear that if you send your children on the streets we will kill them! Here it is not the soldier who kills who is the first assassin, because the first assassin of the people is the one who armed the policeman or the soldier and who loaded his weapon of real munitions to kill and not to disperse the crowds.
Let's tell the truth, the goal is not to disperse the crowd because a tear gas can suffice. The truth is twofold: to instil the fear of raids on the streets and demonstrations but also and especially to reduce the population to conform to the Western agenda which seems to find that the African population grows a lot and becomes a threat the aging of the Western population, which would decrease. And from this point of view, Paul Biya is one of those executing low Western maneuvers and not the servant of the Cameroonian people. For example, what does France give us? Weapons and military vehicles to protect their territory, their power and their property against the people while the Japanese build primary schools. Jeconstate,
All in all, the people have every reason to fight the last fight to chase Paul Biya who uses Cameroon's goods for the benefit of a handful of people in his service. Even the army that is believed to serve Biya is used without his knowledge against the people while this army is part of the people. She is no better off than the people. If I lie, ask retired soldiers, colonels who are already retired and who have no property or even a retirement home.
Let's tell the truth, the goal is not to disperse the crowd because a tear gas can suffice. The truth is twofold: to instil the fear of raids on the streets and demonstrations but also and especially to reduce the population to conform to the Western agenda which seems to find that the African population grows a lot and becomes a threat the aging of the Western population, which would decrease. And from this point of view, Paul Biya is one of those executing low Western maneuvers and not the servant of the Cameroonian people. For example, what does France give us? Weapons and military vehicles to protect their territory, their power and their property against the people while the Japanese build primary schools. Jeconstate,
All in all, the people have every reason to fight the last fight to chase Paul Biya who uses Cameroon's goods for the benefit of a handful of people in his service. Even the army that is believed to serve Biya is used without his knowledge against the people while this army is part of the people. She is no better off than the people. If I lie, ask retired soldiers, colonels who are already retired and who have no property or even a retirement home.
This regime uses the army to maintain itself while it gives him the illusion of power: House and new vehicle 4X4.And it is not all military leaders who are equipped with vehicles. A Captain or a Colonel can not buy a new car with his salary! So Biya uses them against the people by telling them that you are better than the people, you are with us in power and we share that power. Poor soldiers formatted to obey orders against their conscience!
But the biggest crime is that Biya serves Westerners while the people and their army languish in misery. How much does a brigade commander earn, and when does he retire? A sub-prefect wins how much? Look at their personal vehicle to realize that these are all slaves that this regime uses to maintain power by relying on them. When they retire, they do not take the brand-new vehicles that they have generously lent, buy their conscience and flatter their ego so that they blindly mate the people.
This is the last fight between the people and the oppressor and it is the oppressor who has chosen the weapon that the oppressed must use in the last fight. And in this fight, the people must choose to engage or stay in the stands, barricad behind their keyboard or hidden under their bed. The people must remember that those who do not die while fighting can die on the roads by accident or in hospitals without care. What will such a death have served? We must loudly claim our democratic right to go out into the street and express our dissatisfaction without Paul Biya's response being the shooting death of peaceful protesters.
Violence in politics is a double-faced knife, the power uses it to enslave the people and make it docile but if the people have understood and appropriated the same weapon of violence in response, in self-defense, it can lead people to liberation by taking the Bastille as the French people experienced it and in this fight everyone must participate. And as Nelson Mandela says, courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to overcome it.
But the biggest crime is that Biya serves Westerners while the people and their army languish in misery. How much does a brigade commander earn, and when does he retire? A sub-prefect wins how much? Look at their personal vehicle to realize that these are all slaves that this regime uses to maintain power by relying on them. When they retire, they do not take the brand-new vehicles that they have generously lent, buy their conscience and flatter their ego so that they blindly mate the people.
This is the last fight between the people and the oppressor and it is the oppressor who has chosen the weapon that the oppressed must use in the last fight. And in this fight, the people must choose to engage or stay in the stands, barricad behind their keyboard or hidden under their bed. The people must remember that those who do not die while fighting can die on the roads by accident or in hospitals without care. What will such a death have served? We must loudly claim our democratic right to go out into the street and express our dissatisfaction without Paul Biya's response being the shooting death of peaceful protesters.
Violence in politics is a double-faced knife, the power uses it to enslave the people and make it docile but if the people have understood and appropriated the same weapon of violence in response, in self-defense, it can lead people to liberation by taking the Bastille as the French people experienced it and in this fight everyone must participate. And as Nelson Mandela says, courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to overcome it.
When a people no longer has the courage to defend themselves, they are ready for slavery. Personally I'm ready for the last fight, are you ready too? Let's all go: Roooooouuuuuuuuuudjeeeeeee for the last fight, One timeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!