The president of the Spirit Party of April 48, who recently withdrew from the presidential race, has given 15 measures that could bring the country out of the so-called Anglophone crisis that has been shaking it for some time
Because to manage is to foresee, to anticipate is to anticipate, the Mpodol President Jean Marc Ngoss and the Spirit Party of April 48 (PEA 48) took care to observe the socio-political situation of Cameroon in order to find since January 2017 concrete solutions (15 measures) to the resolution of the English crisis that shakes our country this motivated by the fact that, if the fundamental law has been modified to allow a man (the current head of state) to to drag on to power, it can also be modified to save the peace of Cameroonians and the preservation of our "Living Together".
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Cameroon - Anglophone Crisis: Here Are The 15 Measures For The Resolution Of The Anglophone Crisis, Jean Marc Ngoss |
1. Sign a law of Amnesty General for all implicated in this crisis who will sign a preventive commitment to no longer re-offend.
2. Set up the Commission for the management of an inclusive dialogue called truths, suggestions and harmony, Compensate families innocent victims of this crisis.
3. Establish a position of Vice-President then, holding from now on a plurinominal ballot in the presidential election with the Vice-President as the constitutional successor.
4. 30% of our Crown corporations will have to be managed by the nationals of the 2 English-speaking regions.
5. 25% of our Parliament (45 MPs) will come from the two English-speaking regions, ie 20 for the South-West and 25 for the North-West.
6. 2 Of Our 5 Sovereignty Ministries will be managed by compatriotess from the 2 English speaking regions. Our ministries of sovereignty being: Justice, Finance, Defense, Foreign Affairs, Territorial Administration.
7. Establish bilingualism in all security formations in Cameroon (Gendarmerie, Police, Customs, Penitentiary Administration etc ...).
8. After 2 years of magisterium, Make bilingualism "French-English" effective and obligatory for all ministers, civil servants, workers, pupils and students.
9- Set up the scientific committee for the creation of an official Cameroonian language called Moumîr (in tribute to Felix Roland Moumié).
10. Despair 25% of our budget for the development of the two English-speaking regions managed by a specialized agency called: Agency for the Development of Southern Cameroon (ADESCA).
11. Make decentralization effective throughout the national territory.
12. Promote and stimulate mixed marriages (Anglophone-Francophone).
13. To teach in our establishments our true history to our children (from the anteriority of guardianship to the present day). Unify our education system by launching professionalization in education throughout the country.
14 Beat our currency in the strict respect of our fundamental law (in its article 1 paragraph 3 which stipulates the constant taking into account of our bilingualism in the conduct of the affairs of the State
15. Establish, the digitized, biometric management of our demographic file without forgetting the strengthening of equitable governance based on Meritocracy and Social Justice
NB: If In Fine all these measures can not contribute to the preservation of our "Living Together" then we are ready to go to a federalism to 6 major regions are the major regions:
1 South Center,
2 West North West,
3 West Coast South,
4 East
5 North Adamawa,
6- Far North.
Peace has no reason why we intend to put these measures (which can be reviewed) on the table for the beginning of an inclusive dialogue that will bring back the confidence and the joy of belonging to a community of Destinias called Cameroon because for us, Secession is excluded, is neither an alternative nor an option left to pact with the God of unity.
Source Report