Data is the new frontier of 21st century. According to a Harvard Business Report (2012) data science is going to be the hottest job of the 21st century and data analysts have a very bright career ahead.
This course aims to equip learners with the ability to independently carry out in-depth data analysis with professional confidence and accuracy. It will specifically help those looking to derive business insights, understand consumer behaviour, develop objective plans for new ventures, brand study, or write scholarly articles in high impact journals and develop a high-quality thesis, project work.
Good knowledge of quantitative data analysis is a sine qua non for progress in the academic and corporate world. Keeping this in mind this course has been designed in such way that students, researchers, teachers and corporate professionals who want to equip themselves with sound skills of data analysis and wish to progress with this skill can learn it in an in-depth and interesting manner using IBM SPSS Statistics.
Training Description: This training provides an application-oriented introduction to the statistical component of Quantitative Data Analysis using SPSS Statistics.Students will review several statistical techniques and discuss situations in which they would use each technique, how to set up the analysis, as well as how to interpret the results. This includes a broad range of techniques for exploring and summarizing data, as well as investigating and testing relationships.
Audience: Anyone who has worked with IBM SPSS Statistics and wants to become better versed in the basic statistical capabilities of IBM SPSS Statistics Base.
Anyone who wants to refresh their knowledge and statistical experience.
Prerequisites: Familiarity with basic concepts in statistics, such as measurement levels, mean, and standard deviation.
Familiarity with the windows in SPSS Statistics either by experience with IBM SPSS Statistics (version 18 or later) or completion of the SPSS Statistics Essentials (V25) course.
- Introduction to statistical analysis
- Test hypotheses about individual variables
- Test the relationship between categorical variables
- Test on the difference between two group means
- Test on differences between more than two group means
- Test the relationship between scale variables
- Predict a scale variable: Regression
- Introduction to Bayesian statistics
- Overview of multivariate procedures
Date: 28-29 November 2020
Venue: Royal Hotel, 267 Anton Lembede St, Durban Central, Durban, 4001
Registration Fee: R1250
Time: 0800Hrs to 1600Hrs
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Please Note: After this course, there won't be any need for you to hire a statistician.