Tocky Vibes (Obey Makamura) is a young man who made his break in 2014.
He rose to fame with the song ‘Amai.’ This song was liked by many fans because of its unique lyrical content and it is because of this song and many other clean songs that he sang that earned him the name ‘The Dancehall Priest.’ (Read: The Rise of Tocky Vibes Is A Story of Perseverance.)
In December 2014 just a few months after his break he was already loathed by other musicians, producers and promoters. As we speak he has already won more awards those fellow musicians who have spent more years than him perfecting their musical career.
Tock Vibes rose to fame in 2014, but the question of the day that remains is ‘will Tocky stand his ground in 2015 and the years to follow or will he just fizzle out into oblivion just some of his counterparts.’
Of note, one producer says: ‘Tocky Vibes was just hype in 2014 but none of his songs really had an edge. Even though the greater numbers of his songs were popular with the people, I can still argue that none of his songs finished as the best under the rhythms in which they were performed. To all his songs there was a better song. Of note I can mention how the likes of Shinso, Seh Calaz, and King Shaddy had better songs than the ones done by Tocky Vibes.’
Another producer had this to say about Tocky Vibes: ‘I accept that Tocky Vibes is a truly gifted and versatile young man. He has obviously committed many career suicidal anomalies, which will prove to be detrimental to his career both in the short and long run. If he does not amend his ways and wayward behavior, I certainly see Tocky Vibes fizzling into oblivion in 2015.’ He has dug his grave and many promoters are angry at him and worse of all he does not listen to advice.
Tocky Vibes obviously still remains a beacon of light since most of his songs exhibit a level of mellowness. He deploys a unique style in which he exhorts himself and other musicians to work hard in the industry despite the various setbacks that they encounter. (Read: Tocky Vibes the 2014 voice of reason.)
Tocky Vibes was just a hype and he will not make it out of 2015 says one promoter. He went on to says that Tocky Vibes was just fortunate enough to come accross a powerful sangoma in Rusape. This promoter gave us a guarantee that the Sangoma's powers a slowly fizzling out.
To all the above statements, I reserve my comments. What do you think ‘Is Tocky Vibes truly gifted as this promoters puts it, He uses juju!’ What do you have to say leave your comments below.