I Am Your Servant, Emmerson Mnangagwa Declares

Zanu-PF First Secretary and President-designate Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa says he is a servant of the people and is ready to work with progressive Zimbabweans to rebuild the country.

In his first speech as the First Secretary of Zanu-PF following his reinstatement as a Central Committee member and subsequent nomination as the party’s leader on Sunday, Cde Mnangagwa said the duty to transform the economy was a collective effort that required the involvement of all Zimbabweans.

Cde Mnangagwa said he would also reach out to the international community to canvass their support in rebuilding the economy.

“I pledge myself to be your servant,” he said.

“I appeal to all genuine, patriotic Zimbabweans to come together, we work together. No one is more important than the other. We are all Zimbabweans. We want to grow our country. We want peace in our country. We want jobs, jobs, jobs!
  I Am Your Servant, Emmerson Mnangagwa Declares
“We need also the cooperation of our neighbours in Sadc, the cooperation of the continent of Africa, we need the cooperation of our friends outside the continent. That we shall achieve. I am already receiving messages of cooperation and support for us to grow our economy.”

Cde Mnangagwa said he was vilified in the public but those behind such uncultured behaviour were now victims of their actions.

“Hama dzangu nhema dzakataurwa dzakawanda zvikanzi topwanya musoro zinyoka iri,” he said

“Handizivi kuti musoro wakazopwanywa ndewani. Mwari ari kumusoro uko ndiye anoziva, ndiye anotungamirira nyika yake, ndiye anoda vanhu vake. Vanhu vake vachinge vataura sokutaura kwamaita imi, Mwari ataura. Vanenge vane njere tererai zvinoda vanhu hupenyu hwenyu hunowedzerwa munyika yevatema. Ndinokutendai nekushinga nekutsunga kwamaita.”

Cde Mnangagwa thanked the people of Zimbabwe for their profound support after he was unprocedurally expelled both from Government and Zanu-PF two weeks ago.

He said there were also attempts on his life including poisoning by those who wanted to see him out of the country’s political circles.

“The people of Zimbabwe you who are gathered here to receive me, may I say in the name of our Lord, I thank you for receiving me,” he said.

“Exactly 16 days ago I received a letter firing me from Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe as the Vice President. Within two hours I was informed of plans to eliminate me. Realising that, on the 12th of August this year I was subjected to poisoning which resulted in my being air-lifted to South Africa and again I thank you the people of Zimbabwe for your prayers.

“I survived that poisoning. This time around, I said to myself I should not wait for them to eliminate me but let me go out and with you the people of Zimbabwe, the people of Zanu-PF, make your voice be heard. Today, this evening I feel so humbled that you have remained here until this hour at our headquarters waiting for me that I see you and you see me.”

Cde Mnangagwa said the counter progressive actions by the G40 cabal in Zanu-PF were seriously affecting Government business.

“The G40 cabal had captured the executive in the person of our President,” he said.

“Orders were now coming not from the executive but from people from outside Government to implement and run Government. But the people of Zimbabwe themselves have refused. “I think you have heard or read my letter which I sent to the President asking the President saying Mr President the people have spoken, you, yourself said if the people say I must step down you shall comply. This is the time to comply because the voice of the people is the voice of God.”

Cde Mnangagwa said his inauguration as President of Zimbabwe was set for tomorrow at the National Sports Stadium where several high profile dignitaries were expected.

Cde Mnangagwa becomes Zimbabwe’s second President after independence taking over from President Mugabe, who resigned on Tuesday after leading the country for 37 years.

Meanwhile, Cde Mnangagwa last night chaired his inaugural Politburo meeting as First Secretary of the revolutionary party. The meeting was still underway by the time of going to print. www.chronicle.co.zw
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