The victory of Professor Kamto has never been in doubt, but elections in Africa are generally unpredictable. Cameroonians are looking for change and it has finally arrived.
Polls had already indicated that Professor Kamto would be the next president of the country, although many members of the CPDM - the ruling party in Cameroon since independence - question the results of the polls. But after receiving all the results of the polls of our journalists and undercover agents, it is clear that the former president of the council of Paul Biya, will be the next president of the country.
According to the reports sent, Professor Kamto is clearly ahead of the densely populated northern, coastal, central and western regions. Professor Kamto's wide margin of victory in these four regions prevents the incumbent from closing the gap, as his victory is only earned in sparsely populated areas such as the southern and eastern regions. .
A calculation of all the results gives Professor Kamto a little over 37%, while the incumbent finished fourth with 18.4%.Joshua Osih is in second place with 22.3%. Cabral Libii, the political novice wins 19.2%. The other small unpopular parties share the rest.
In Mfoundi, which is supposed to be Mr. Biya's stronghold, Professor Kamto was much criticized. He came out with just over 39% while Mr Biya had 36%. Mr. Biya is followed in this constituency by Mr. Cabral Libii, who is the youngest among the candidates with 22%.
Mr. Biya had a slight lead in his native southern region, the northwestern and southwestern regions, where only the army and some ruling party members were allowed to go to the polling station.
Even in the southern region, Mr. Biya's numbers were not as impressive. Mr. Kamto still gave a good run to Mr. Biya. It is clear that the ruling party's bread and sardine approach has not really produced the desired results.
In the Eastern region, Mr. Biya had a slight lead, but not enough to cause much annoyance. Professor Kamto and Mr. Libii had actually won the hearts and minds of the region by pointing out that Mr. Biya's 36 years of power had not brought much to the people of this resource-rich region.
There were a lot of irregularities designed to favor the outgoing president. However, it must be emphasized that it is difficult to organize perfect elections in a developing country with poor infrastructure, such as Cameroon.This situation has been made all the more difficult by the crisis in southern Cameroon, which is tearing the country apart.
Due to insecurity, the number of polling stations was reduced in the two English-speaking regions of the country, but voters could not afford to go to their new polling stations.
For example, Prime Minister Yang Philemon was allowed to vote at Up station in Bamenda while registering to vote in Oku, his hometown, as the government could not guarantee Oku's security.
While the prime minister voted, his fellow citizens, residents of Oku, never had the same luck. The same goes for the Senate Speaker, Niat Njifenji, who was allowed to vote in Paris when he had never registered to vote.
It should be remembered that the Senate Speaker of the country was evacuated to a French hospital a month ago and that he had no way of knowing that he would be sick before the elections.
But the most nauseating irregularities took place in the polling stations. In some polling stations across the country, opposition returning officers were not allowed to visit.
Polling stations were allegedly housed in unofficial places. Some polls have also arrived already open and this has caused a lot of discussion.
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Cameroon Election 2018 - Paul Biya Beaten Cleanly In His Strongholds |
After 36 years of power without any results to prove, it is quite normal that the people seek other leaders likely to help clean the mess created by Mr. Biya and his party.With regard to the votes, it is easy to notice that even in his home region, many people did not vote for Mr Biya. The southern region remains the poorest in the country and is totally devoid of infrastructure.
This is also the case in the eastern region, which is endowed with mineral resources, but which has the largest number of poor and illiterate Cameroonians.
For more than two decades, the country's economy has been in free fall and millions of Cameroonians are unemployed. It is common for millions of young graduates to seek opportunities in their country.
This situation has also been provoked by corruption and nepotism that have become the hallmarks of the government.Today, it is common to see an entire institution populated with ethnicities of the president. The Beti ethnic group represents less than 10% of the population, but 70% of the country's ministers. The country has about 30 army generals. but the central and southern regions, which represent less than 10% of the population, have 18 generals.
This is a problem that has frustrated other Cameroonians. Of the 34 state-owned companies, 21 are run by Betis and Anglophones only have one general manager, although the two English-speaking regions of the country account for 20% of the country's population. But it was the management of the crisis in southern Cameroon that dealt a fatal blow to the outgoing president in this election.For more than two years since the crisis erupted, the government has behaved as if the two English-speaking regions were not part of the country. The president, like his ministers, has shown the most annoying form of arrogance that has left people wondering about the future of the country.Mr. Biya never addressed the issues and did not lay the groundwork for the inclusive dialogue called for by the world.On the contrary, he and his government opted for military violence that absorbed some 4,000 Cameroonians, including about 2,000 soldiers. The economy of the region has also collapsed and more than half a million South Cameroonians are refugees in their own country. It is worth noting that some 300,000 South Cameroonians are now in Nigeria after fleeing the military violence that the Yaoundé government unleashed against innocent civilians who were killed. simply complaining of the pain inflicted on them by the system.Mr. Biya behaved as if the country were his personal property. He uses the country's public treasury as an ATM. For 36 years, Mr. Biya, nicknamed a monarch, has not built a world-class hospital and his political friends are still seeking better health care abroad, which has cost the taxpayer a nice penny. and others have converged to give the government a very bad reputation. Mr. Biya should have left honorably, but he thought his rig would give the false results he was used to. But times have changed.
People need change. The difficulties, the precarious economic situation, the conflict with the rich diaspora of the country and the arrogance of the government are some of the mistakes that will persist in the minds of the members of the crime syndicate that has ruled the country for decades. Biya and her men will surely not sink without a fight. Their mismanagement and the anger of the population prevents them from peacefully giving up their power. While the results on the ground are unfavorable to them, the members of the ruling party have already pushed their plan B. to action. The Constitutional Council, established in a hurry, is their last option.Since it is the body authorized to obtain results, Mr. Biya and his men believe that the members of this body will be able to reverse things in their favor. This is exactly what happened in 1992 when SDF candidate John Fru Ndi won 62% of the vote, but the Supreme Court, which acted as the Constitutional Council, handed the victory to Biya, who was defenseless, who continued to dominate her fellow citizens.In 1992, no social media government could easily use the military to intimidate the civilian population, especially the French-speaking majority, who knew very little about collective action. Today, the dynamic is different.
Southern Cameroonians have demystified the army and this inspires the French-speaking majority, who now knows that, through collective action, they can change their own destiny. Before the election, many opposition leaders had called their supporters to be vigilant, In case the Constitutional Council falsified the results, the whole country would be in the grip of a revolution. Cameroon is sitting on a barrel of gunpowder that could explode if the Constitutional Council tries to make pranks that could the people of their victory. Kamto's victory may be a good thing, but it could plunge the country into a long period of insecurity and violence.
The chaos that could reign in Yaoundé if the Constitutional Council exaggerates his hands and that the luck could help Southern South Cameroon move away in peace while the French people seek to kill each other. However, if Professor Kamto takes his place at the Palace of Unity, he could find common ground with the separatists. He has already expressed the wish to sit down and talk with the South Cameroonians, but he may have to go to Washington or Ottawa to make that happen. WHAT ARE THE LARGER LOSERS? Of course, with the changing political landscape, there will be many losers. The ruling CPDM will surely be the hardest hit.
When it comes out of the treasury, it's clear that the free money that underlies the expensive lifestyle of members of this crime syndicate will also disappear. This could announce the disappearance of this party that mismanaged the economy and made life extremely difficult for Cameroonians. Of course, a change of government will involve an audit of the country's accounts and, knowing what the CPDM stands for, many government officials will end up in prison or in exile.
But the SDF will also pay a heavy price. His inability to comply with popular coalition demands could also reduce the party's influence and support base.Cameroonians may want to punish the SDF for their betrayal of the people. The political landscape of the country is very likely to change and the victims will be very numerous. The change has arrived in Cameroon and it is up to Cameroonians to protect their victory. Cameroonians must learn from Ivorians and go down the street if they want the change they wanted after.The regime will surely want to use the army to intimidate the population, but the people must stay on their positions.
The army can not kill everyone and until the French-speaking majority understands this, it will continue to live in the invisible chains of slavery. Francophones must learn from South Cameroonians who have shown that a minority can make changes in a country. They must overcome their fear. They must stay on their positions.They can not let a minority continue to dominate the majority. Until they threaten the government of Yaoundé, they will never get out of their poverty. The government of Yaoundé has created a weapon against poverty to subjugate the people. This must be stopped and this election is an opportunity to put an end to the disorder that has given Cameroon an eye blooded.