Speaking in a viral video is the renowned Nigerian Televangelist, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome addressing the controversial issue in Christendom, which is "Is drinking alcohol is a sin."
Here is everything Pastor Chris Oyakhilome said in the video:
"The Bible didn't say that drinking alcohol is a sin, didn't say that. What the Bible says, is for us not to drink in excess and remember he was not making alcohol an issue anytime, because he doesn't want us to do anything in excess anyway. See, God doesn't want you to eat in excess or drink water in excess, he's against only anything you do in excess. So, what the Lord really tell us is not to drink in excess. I'll read that to you in a moment and that is very important, but you know the more you grow in spiritual things, the more you leave things that are unnecessary behind. Your Christian growth is not just living bad things for good things. It means good things for the best things.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome |