Jetting into Zimbabwe soon, says Prophet Angel. Speaking via telephone to the congregation Prophet Uebert Angel, said: “you will see me very soon.” His spiritual son Prophet Shepard Bushiri, reiterated his statement and gave further details as he was ministering at the Good News Conference in Harare.
Giving a biblical, reference of the eminent return saying: “As Elijah had been away from Gilead for three years so has Emeritus been away from Zimbabwe, but, those three years are up and you will see him again in this land” declared Bushiri, to an ecstatic audience.
Prophet Bushiri, shared how his father foresaw events leading to him leaving the country way back before any wind of it and the rising up of persecution against him.
“My father told me a few years ago that many will rise against him. How the media will tear at his character with unfounded accusations that will be believed by many people. He told me that he would not say anything to defend himself, but will raise me up in his place. My father, said the more they would fight him they will not see me coming up. His voice and prophetic office would be preserved in me.”
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Jetting into Zimbabwe soon says, Prophet Uebert Angel |
However,Bushiri, said ‘that season was over and time has finally come for God’s Prophet to return to Zimbabwe. Bushiri, urged the congregation to be expectant of the new dimensions in his Prophetic office. He added that God is also raising up a new Spirit Embassy (TGNC) that will not be shaken. “God is raising up a new Spirit Embassy (The Good News Church) that will be a fortified city” declared Bushiri.
I cannot confirm that he is jetting in!
However, Rikki Doolan, the spokesperson for The Good News Church cast a shadow of doubt on Prophet Uebert Angel’s Zimbabwe, visit saying :
“ Elisha said was my Spirit not with you? What I can confirm is we have the prophet’s birthday coming up in September and this is celebrated across the world by all 48 of our TGNC branches. The celebrations in Zimbabwe will be led by Prophet Bushiri, this year. Thus, prophet Angel’s spirit as a prophet will be in all places. However, I cannot confirm that the person of prophet will be in Zimbabwe”
Another, long standing member of prophet Angel’s church who declined to be named said “the Prophet has no rush to get back to Zimbabwe or visit that country any time soon so we keep praying for Zimbabwe, and for God to remember Zimbabwe. As a nation Zimbabwe needs prophet Angel. As one man of God, Apostle Johnson Suleman, once put it ‘any nation that insults or opposes a man of God goes down’.”
Thousands in Zimbabwe look forward to the return of prophet Angel. Anticipation is ever increasing as they look forward to him jetting in.
Speaking to Onward Christian Radio, Rumbidzai Moyo said,
“I looking forward to the return of Major. Zimbabwe has not been the same since he left. This man is the leader of the prophetic movement in Southern Africa and beyond”
Another member of the Good News Church Mutare. Gift Vambe said, “Prophet Angel’s return is the mark of a new season in Zimbabwe. I am ready for what God is about to do in my life and my nation whether it’s a visit or for him to stay.”